"Time Listened Last 4 Weeks" is stuck at 0 minutes [Ticket In]

restarting this topic, because it still happens to me on build 1272. Have to restart the core to get the stats back for several hours. (Core running on Mac Monterey 12.6.6)
Not a showstopper, but slightly annoying…

My play history disappeared today, strangely I used it about 30 minutes prior to it going, any ideas would be appreciated

It’s currently a bug, they are working on it

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Bug still present in current release (build 1277).

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Confirmed from my side, bug still present.
Roon Nucleus Rev b build 1277.
Fixed for a while after a core reboot, but returns after a few hours.

Sometimes it happens to me, but only after waking up my computer from the sleep mode. Reboot helps. I noticed that more often on last few updates. I don’t recall exact moment.

Confirming Bug still happening even after the last 2 updates.
Rebooting core fixes it for a little while but eventually listening history disappears again.

I second that!

Found this thread after posting about it separately. Issue definitely still exists.

Really seems like this is one that should have been patched quickly. Surprised we are still dealing with this

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I am on Version 2.0 (build 1277) production NUC running ROCK

An annoying bug for sure, a quick restart brings it back. Like others, I am waiting for a fix.

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This is still happening… Not particularly happy with how many bugs seem to be making their way back into the software.

Yep it’s doing it again for me.

Et moi

This will continue to happen until the next Roon update which hopefully should contain the fix (seems to be working on earlyaccess testing as far as I can tell). As far as I understand, this is an issue in the app and not in the cloud, so it will need an app update

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Hi All,

As others have noted in this thread, we have a fix for this issue undergoing testing in our Early Access branch. The fix will be included in one of our upcoming Production releases, assuming no issues are found with the fix in testing. Thanks!


great work team! :+1:t2:

Thanks for the update. Looking forward to the fix.