Track gets stuck very often

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Latest Mac mini/32Gb RAM/latest macOS/1.7 build 537. My music is on a HD linked via USB to the mac. I have a pretty large music collection (430000 tracks)

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Wired network/ubiquiti switch and gateway

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Linn DS

Description Of Issue

All albums (From qobuz or my music) I add in the playlist (since the latest core update) get stuck after one or two tracks. Playing can get stuck in the middle of a track or at the beginning of a new one. It’s so often I can’t use roon anymore.

Thanks for the support.

Hi @Leo,

Does this only happen if you use the Linn? If you play to System Output of the Core machine instead is there any change?

A post was split to a new topic: Naim Uniti Atom playback issue


I only have Linn players so I wouldn’t know …

Hi @Leo,

Can you try playing to System Output instead of the Linn? Does it work okay?

I’ve tried, and the playback gets also stuck.


When I say it freezes, I mean the playback stops. No more music :/. I have either to wait -a certain time - or to restart the server to make it work again. The UI also freezes, or get highly unresponsive on my iPhone/MacBook/MacMini.

Thanks for the update, @Leo.

Since this also happens with System Output I’d like to take a look at what’s occurring on the machine when this happens. The next time this happens can you make a note of the time it occurs as well as what track you’re trying to play and then we can enable diagnostics so the team can investigate further.



It has just occurred. So 2:07pm and the track is



Is there a problem on your side ?


Anyone? Should I do something else ? The problem remains.

Hi @Leo,

Apologies for the delay here. I received some feedback from the team. They’re seeing what appears to be networking errors in the logs and they’re hoping we can try something for us.

Do you have a different machine you can temporarily use as your Core? If so, can you try installing Roon on that machine and try playing to System Output. Does the same problem occur?


I have a computer I can use, but assuming I’m an idiot, can you put in words of one syllable what I need to do to instal Roon on it.

Hi @Andrew_Sykes,

Head over to our downloads page and choose the Windows Roon option. Install Roon and sign in with your Roon login information and you’ll be good to go!

OK, That’s done. The problem immediately reappeared, but I will give it another couple of days to see what happens.

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OK, I’ve used it for 48 hours without a problem. So how do I get the nucleus to work as well?

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