Ubuntu Core not updating to 1.7


I have Roonserver installed on an Ubuntu server.

My clients apparently updated themselves. So now I must update my Roonserver but from the clients I get “Software Update Needed” but “There was an error checking for an update”

So I’m stuck.

Should the Linux install be able to update itself?

If not, how do I do so without putting my database at risk?

I can’t do a backup since no client will talk to it without demanding the update that I can’t do. Grrr.

I did restart RoonServer but didn’t help.


Here’s what my RoonServer logs when I tap Retry in the client:

11/22 18:29:08 Debug: [base/updater] Checking for updates: http://updates.roonlabs.com/update/?v=2&serial=4983728B-5517-44EA-9419-redacted&userid=redacted&platform=linuxx64&product=RoonServer&branding=roon&curbranch=stable&version=100600416&branch=stable
11/22 18:29:10 Debug: [appupdater] Update failed
11/22 18:29:10 Error: [appupdater] While scanning for update: System.Exception: couldn't get update info
  at Sooloos.Updater+WebUpdate.Load (System.String updateurl) [0x001dc] in <25d73f18cc0f460fa0e05f69a9433340>:0 
  at Sooloos.Updater+WebUpdate.CheckForUpdate (System.String serial, System.String userid, System.String product, System.String branding, System.String desired_branch, Sooloos.Version version, Sooloos.Updater+WebUpdate& update) [0x000a7] in <25d73f18cc0f460fa0e05f69a9433340>:0 
  at Sooloos.Updater+<>c__DisplayClass26_0.<ScanOnce>b__0 (System.Object <p0>) [0x0002a] in <25d73f18cc0f460fa0e05f69a9433340>:0 
11/22 18:29:10 Trace: SENT NONFINAL DistributedBroker.UpdatesChangedResponse={ IsSupported=True WasJustUpdated=False Status='Error' HasChangeLog=False CurrentVersion={ MachineValue=100600416 DisplayValue='1.6 (build 416) stable' Branch='stable' } }
11/22 18:29:12 Info: [stats] 2724mb Virtual, 579mb Physical, 183mb Managed, 0 Handles, 61 Threads
11/22 18:29:14 Trace: Successful POST response from https://push.roonlabs.com/push/1/connect
11/22 18:29:14 Trace: [push] connecting to
11/22 18:29:15 Trace: [push] connected

When I attempt to fetch the updates.roonlabs.com URL using wget then I get an empty response.

Doing the same manually I see:

root@plex-server:~# telnet updates.roonlabs.com 80
Connected to ec2-54-243-40-61.compute-1.amazonaws.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
GET /update/?v=2&serial=4983728B-5517-44EA-9419-redacted&userid=redacted&platform=linuxx64&product=RoonServer&branding=roon&curbranch=stable&version=100600416&branch=stable HTTP/1.0
Host: updates.roonlabs.com

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.4.6 (Ubuntu)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2019 16:29:44 GMT
Connection: close
Status: 200 OK

So this looks like a server-side issue to me?


Hi @Steve_Davies,

Apologies for the frustration. There was a server-side issue that we recently resolved, can you give the update another try?

Yes, thank you, got my Roon back again.


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