Unable to connect to Nucleus unit (ref#4PIHRD)

Is Roon Server running?

· Yes, Roon Server is turned on and running.

What do you see on your screen?

· I see something else

When you try to connect, what screen do you see?

· I see something else

Please try to restart your Roon Server by closing the Roon app in the taskbar or rebooting your Roon Server machine.

· No, the issue remains the same

Please try to restart your network setup by unplugging, waiting 30 seconds and then replugging in your networking gear.

· No, the issue remains the same

Please select how you've connected your Roon Server to the internet

· Roon Server is connected by *Ethernet*

Have you checked your firewall settings to ensure that Roon is allowed through?

· Roon still won't connect even after checking this aspect

Have you verified that Roon Server is on the same subnet as your Remotes?

· My Remotes and Server are on the same subnet and I still can't connect

Sometimes the issues can be resolved with a reinstall of your Roon Remote app. Let's try to perform a reinstall and see if it helps.

· I've reinstalled the Roon Remote but it did not help

What is the operating system of your Roon Server host machine?

· *MacOS*

Select any of the following components that are present in your local network setup

· None of the above

Describe the issue

i cannot connct to my nucleus unit

Hi @glenn1,

Can you please clarify this setup? We see an active MacOS RoonServer instance in your account diagnostics and you’ve mentioned a MacOS RoonServer machine in your report above, but the title refers to a Nucleus.

Are you in the process of migrating your RoonServer from a Mac machine to a new Nucleus, or is this a Nucleus you already have in your system?

If you’re migrating to the Nucleus from the Mac machine, then please see here:

It’s possible you inadvertently installed RoonServer on the Mac machine and have connected your Roon controllers there. If that’s the case, you should be able to identify RoonServer as a background process in the taskbar. Let us know if this is the case.

Thank you!