Unable to load an artist or their albums, but can play them

I’m having a rather weird problem. Basically, I’m trying to open the artist “Yes”. But, when I do so, on any control device, I get the loading animation, and it just sits there.

If I search on a specific album (for example, “Fragile”), I get the album art. If I tap that album, I get the same loading animation and it just sits there.

If, however, I hold on the album, I can get a “Play” button, and the album plays fine.

Any idea what might be doing this? How do I fix it?

Have you restarted your Core? Can you give us the basics of your setup?

The core was installed yesterday, so it’s been started pretty recently, and it’s not happening with every artist.

It’s installed on a Synology 2415+ with lots of memory. Quad core processor, database on a USB3 SSD. Tried clients on an iPhone 6S, an iPad Pro, a Galaxy S7, a Surface Book and a MacBook Pro 13 with the same result.

[quote=“David_Nanian, post:3, topic:12485”]
The core was installed yesterday, so it’s been started pretty recently
[/quote]I’d still do with a reboot, just in case … it might save hours of frustration.

Yes, did that (stopped and restarted service) which resolved the problem…except now we don’t know what happened. :frowning:

Cosmic rays. If only we could turn all semiconductor glitches into an astronomical instrument …

[quote=“David_Nanian, post:5, topic:12485”]
Yes, did that (stopped and restarted service) which resolved the problem
[/quote]Glag your up and running now.

[quote=“David_Nanian, post:5, topic:12485”]
except now we don’t know what happened.
[/quote]You could save a support package (before the logs wrap round), and let @Mike have a look though it, it might yield some answers.

Definitely not cosmic rays. As a software developer, I’d love to blame them for lots of things…but, well, it’s usually my bad code. :slight_smile:

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I saved a support package - how do I get it to @Mike?

@Mike should pickup the @Mike tags we have been leaving.

Check your PMs :thumbsup:

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Hm. So, things were OK for another day, and went sideways again this morning.

Everything was fine, and then I added two albums to my library from a search (so they were Tidal albums). After the 2nd, the “Overview” won’t display any more, nor will the result of searches (once tapped on).

However, the current (paused) Track will open, and that artist will display. Other artists from “History” won’t, though.

@Mike - did my other log show anything? Will sending another one help?