Unable to Play Individual Tracks on Apple HomePod mini from Roon Server (ref#L83YVM)

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I’ve successfully configured and been able to play music on my Apple HomePod mini from my Roon server running on my M1 Mac Mini for some time. However, a few days ago I noticed that I can’t play an individual track. Checking the Roon Remote app, it appears that I can press “play”, but the track never starts. I’ve tried several different tracks from different albums without success. Oddly enough, playing an album with the blue “Play now” button works fine.

@Omar_Chaudhry, what you are experiencing may be identical or related to a known AirPlay/Roon issue:

Thanks, @Robert_F. I’ve successfully tried @Peter_Liu ’s “track scrubbing” trick to get things unstuck. I’ve also asked him in that thread if he’s seeing the same (successful) album playback behavior.

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Hi, play the whole album doesn’t work for me, I still need to move the progress bar to unfreeze the play.

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