Unable to set up audio other than Roon Tested

Roon Core Machine

Using Win 10; low-spec’d i3 Asus laptop; 10 Gb (?) RAM

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Telus Gigabyte service, hardwired to router.

Connected Audio Devices

HDMI from laptop to AVR.

Number of Tracks in Library

This is irrelevant to my issue.

Description of Issue

Over the past few months, I have had occasional issues with Roon not finding two audio devices that I manually set up, in particular one making use of ASIO.

Originally, I had to uninstall and then reinstall Roon. More recently, killing the RAAT Server would fix the issue.

Over the past few days, RAAT Server doesn’t show up in the list of processes.

I have uninstalled Roon, which involved manually deleting files in …\Roon\ (which ended up being something like 3.62 Gb) and …\RAAT Server, and have reinstalled Roon.

The only option Roon gives me is to enable my AVR as Roon Tested, via AirPlay.

I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled Roon, but with no difference.

How am I able to set up Roon so that it makes use of ASIO?

This is immensely frustrating. I have had issues with this in the past, and uninstalling and reinstalling allowed me to set things up as I would like.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,


Can you describe the affected devices. I use and have used Roon to control ASIO Devices connected to my various computers for six years.

After spending more time futzing about (read: uninstalling and reinstalling), I do seem to have a stable set-up using ASIO.

I’m not sure what happened, nor am I sure why it took multiple uninstalls/reinstalls to get what appears, at least for the moment, a stable set-up.

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Well, it looks like it didn’t catch. I did have an install that was stable for a little while, but the same issues happened.

More strangely, perhaps, is that now, even following a vanilla install, I’m no longer receiving the options to set up other audio devices (two related to the RealTek chipset; two others – ASIO and Intel(R) Device Audio – that are my preferred my of connecting to my AVR).

The first screenshot is the last one I see when setting up Roon:

The second is when I try to ‘install’ another audio driver. There should be four options above Roon Tested, two for RealTek Audio, one for ASIO, and one for Intel(R) Display Audio (the last seems to be OK in the Control Panel):

I’m basically at my wits’ end here – I’ve spent considerable time over three days, now, and the situation just seems to be going from bad to worse – , so any assistance offered would be most kindly received.

After some sleep, I decided to look at it again. I’ve added RAATServer.exe and https://roonlabs.net to the exceptions under split tunnelling in my VPN, and it seems to be working.

For the moment, I’ll leave this open; if Roon remains stable over the next day or so, I’ll mark it as resolved.

OK, it’s still not working properly: even with the two split-tunnelling exceptions, Roon won’t show album covers or stream files if I have the VPN on.

This is behaviour I’ve not encountered before – at least not in this form (as mentioned in my original post, there have been times I’ve had to kill RAATServer.exe to get ASIO and WASAPI audio devices to show again).

This is obviously suboptimal, but it’s also clearly a problem with my VPN and not with Roon, so I will mark this as resolved.

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