Unavailable tracks in library

I’ve noticed that some of the tracks in some playlists are marked as unavailable. Even some from my own library. Is there a way of searching for ANY unavailable tracks? I can’t see any option in focus that would display all unavailable tracks.

This happens if you add a track to a playlist and later it is pulled by the streaming service (and often replaced by a different version).

There is unfortunately no option to display all unavailable tracks but the newly added Playlist Improver feature is meant to help fix this for playlists:

However, it seems that currently it does not always find all unavailable tracks or their replacements and there seems to by ongoing work on this by Roon. There are some other threads about this.

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Cheers @Suedkiez The odd thing was that most of the tracks marked as unavailable weren’t from a streaming service. They were files from my own library of ripped CD’s. Shame there’s no way of finding all unavailable tracks in focus. I just happened to come across these when scanning through a playlist.

Have you changed the Watched Folder locations of your local files at some point in the past? That might explain why some playlist tracks are now showing as unavailable…

What filepaths are shown for these tracks? Are they still valid?

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I did indeed change the watched folder. I swapped the existing SSD for a larger capacity one. However, the file paths on the unavailable tracks were correctly identifying the locations on the new SSD. I still needed to re-add the same track from the same location though and then remove the claimed “unavailable” version.

Oh, I missed that in your post. I don’t think this should happen provided that you followed the proper sequence for moving.

@Suedkiez I followed the sequence and the weird thing is, it’s only on certain tracks on certain albums. I would have though if it had mess up a file path then it would have done it for whole albums rather than the odd track.

This is quite strange IMHO. No idea!