Unclear ticket status

Earlier this year, an issue was reported regarding the fact that Roon Display was no longer working on some Sony Bravia TV’s with built in Chromecast.

Several users experience this issue. In fact several support topics were combined into one. The ticket got a “Roon Investigating” label, and then….


14 days after the last response by a user, the ticket was closed. It is no longer possible to respond, yet the problem still very much exists.

Is Roon still investigating or have they given up?

As the close message says, it was autoclosed 14 days after the last post, I think it’s the default in Support. Previously there were never 14 days between posts, so that didn’t happen. Maybe it should be reopened, though.

I saw that message. It is not logical that a ticket is closed because Roon Support did not respond for 14 days.

I guess this is a consequence of using a communing forum as a support ticketing system. Something for which it was probably not designed.

But I guess I’m not the first one giving this feedback…

The forum is not the support ticketing system - Roon Labs use an internal system for that. If there had been anything to report, or the support team required additional information, then they would have responded in the thread and reopened it.

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Thank you for clarifying that.

So would it be a correct interpretation that, as long as a topic in the Support section of the community has the “Roon Investigating” label, but this issue has not been resolved, this means that it is somewhere in the pipeline? In other words, it’s not because a topic is “closed” on the community that it is closed for Roon?

Of course this does not say anything about how actively Roon is investigating, or with which priority of the issue is being investigated…

Your interpretation is correct.

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I’ve had the same issue with threads being closed when waiting on Roon support.

The main issue is how am I supposed to add new information to the ticket?

Hi @Henry_Buckle,

Flag one of your posts in the topic as “other” and request the topic is reopened because you wish to add new information. Roon staff or a moderator will then action.

That said, if it’s a “me too post, I have also have this issue” the standing advice is to create a new support ticket for it, and leave it down to Roon’s @support team to merge if they deem appropriate.

Doing so via Technical Support Request will equip the Roon Technical Support team to then assist you directly.