I cannot Chromecast my Sony Bravia. Chromecast works on my other Sony tv and chromecast works on this TV via tidal app. I’ve factory reset tv, restarted core twice and still I cannot enable this tv in settings. Thanks
It’s not the TV as Audirvāna is behaving via chromecast out of the same Mac and Acc’s. I’m currently reinstalling macOS and then roon to see if that jolts it back into life
Hi @anon55006321,
Thank you for your patience while we worked through the queue. This might seem a bit obvious but just to be sure have you enabled the TV as an endpoint in Roon settings → displays?
Hi Daniel and Yes mate. I’ve just plugged a Google tv chromecast in and that works fine as we as Tidal being able to cast to the TV as well has got me baffled. It’s seems to be just roon to just that tv’s built in chromecast.
Could you please reproduce the issue (attempt to connect) and take note of the specific date and time, and share that info here? From there, we’ll enable diagnostic mode to your Roon Server for a more in-depth investigation.
Thanks for sending that timestamp over! We’ve found the correlating error trace and are chatting with our development team to acquire more information.
In the meantime, have you checked the firmware version for the TV? Does it need an update? Have you tested re-installing the current version? Let me know if that changes your issue outcome.
Thanks for the update. We are seeing two Bravia TVs tied to your Roon Server, a BRAVIA 4K 2015
and a BRAVIA 4K GB ATV3. Which TV is having the issues specifically?
And this is with the overall software tied to the built in chromecast, correct?
Is your Google Home app and Chrome app up-to-date?
Are you using any kind of VPN or proxy? Do you have the option to connect the TV via ethernet to the same router your server is connected to?
I should have more information from our development team soon.
Our development team was able to review your case today and have a few follow-up questions:
-Does the issue persist if you completely unplug and disable the other Bravia TV?
-Aside from Chromecast firmware, are you able to review the firmware version of the TV itself and reinstall/check for updates?
I’m unable to use any display. I see a Chromecast display in Roon, but when trying to use it, the screen goes black (turns off?). I also tried web browsers on 3 devices (iPhone, iPad, MacBook). None of them are visible in Roon.
Apologies for not mentioning, a factory reset might not be helping much - did you reinstall the firmware before or after restoring to factory settings? What firmware version are you currently running on the TV?
The diagnostic report from your Roon Server isn’t giving us very specific information around the failure, so I apologize for the delay in finding you a solution.
What is the firmware version on the Bravia TV that isn’t having issues? Along with the Chromecast version/firmware version?