Unidentified albums - really treated differently?

Thank you! Works fine on a windows box. That is not a task to be done on an Ipad.

The translatation is a little “less accurate”: Looking for the album and titles it is tagges “nicht identifiziert”. looking at focus at writes “erkannt” (=identifiziert) This is a little bit confusing.

Huh? The screenshot I posted is from an iPad and works fine. Are you not seeing the same on your iPad?

Yes it is about the same. But using my fingers is ok for selecting Akbums/tracks to play. But for working on the files I absolute prefer a Windoes-box.

Just getting started trying to whip my local library into Roon-compatible shape. I was very dismayed to find that exact match really means just that. I had a title where the word “to” was capitalized instead of lower case, and that was enough for the Roon search engine to not match it up to the very obvious release. Hopefully case sensitivity during metadata matches can be loosened up going forward.

I have a lot of unidentified albums, mostly cd singles or promos of some sort. My problem is the songs are not always identified even if the name of the song and artist is the same in other releases. For me I like to know how many of the same songs I have over different albums. Usually to see if any are edits etc. It seems to be hit or miss if Roon knows if the same song is on other releases. I understand why but is there no way to tell Roon that this a song that is unidentified is actually the same as on other releases in my library? I don’t stream so all my songs and albums are my own. Thanks.

How do I get songs to show in a search if the album is not identified? A few times on unidentified albums the songs will show up as being on other albums if the song titles are the same. Sometimes they don’t and search doesn’t find them. Is there something I can add or edit in the meta via Roon or 3rd party editor? Thanks.

Ensure you select the library only icon after the search it’s the slanted books to the left this should help it . Or don’t use search and use the funnel filter instead and type in the name. You can force group different versions of albums in edit section of an album you could try this for tracks it may help it?

Random question- is it possible to find those albums I manually identified? I’d love to go back and tag edit to try to get them to auto identify… my fear of losing my playlists is high if I ever had to rebuild my db despite good backup strategy… but my dislike of the idea of reidentifying dozens of albums is higher.

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Not that I know of.

Thanks for the info. Funnel feature works to find the songs if the view is song title. I don’t stream any music so it’s all on my HD.

Frustrating in that I have over 1600 titles that Roon says are unidentified. Most are cd singles or promo CDs along with some vinyl rips. I understand why it happens to an extent but it’s all tagged properly. Roon reads the Artist, Title and song title. For the most part it doesn’t show up in search though. I don’t see how that can be correct. Thanks.

If the metadata isn’t in Roons sources it won’t get a match l don’t have the issues searching the albums I have that are unidentified it finds them. But if you have two versions of tracks and one is identified as being part of an album and the other is unidentified then it will likely always fall for the one it knows and the alt version won’t show up in versions. You can merge alt versions of albums but not sure you can just for tracks . You might need to use some tag method, focus and bookmarks to easily find them.

However Roon search always brings up Qobuz verisons of my unidentified albums in quick match which is even more annoying, I have to always make sure the my librrary icon is selected to get mine. But i use filters more often as its just easier than search as its just too tied to the cloud and streaming to be useful a lot of the time.

You can filter in tracks for lots of other things than title. I would do a focus on all unidentified tracks and give them some tags that make sense to you to then easily find them.

Thanks for the info. I understand why Roon is doing what it’s doing but wish I could override so the tracks would be found in a search. I’ll have to figure out a good filter to use. I created a bookmark with all my unidentified albums also. I don’t care as much if the albums don’t show in a search as much as I care about the actual songs not showing up in a search. I know it all goes together but this is where I feel the meta that Roon uses is lacking. I have Roon set to use my tags by default for album and song title but even changing it to use Roon’s it’s the same result - nothing.

It looks like I will have to live with it and I’ll explore other options since my subscription runs out in May. Everything else is great and I think it’s great that with a small icon and number next to a track I can see how many of that track I own. It just has to work with my music. Thanks.

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@Suedkiez do you have any adivce to help Patrick you seem to be good at getting it do stuff that is not easy.

(@Simon_Arnold3 thanks for the honor)

@Patrick_Taylor I haven’t read the whole thread in detail but it seems that the issue is that you have albums that are Unidentified in Roon, and then if you use search they don’t show up at all?

This surprises me. I just tried this by first focusing on my unidentified albums:

Let’s take the first one, Wood for Rainer:

So I search for “Wood for Rainer” and while it is not the top result but something that is irrelevant to me (not completely untypical for Roon search) …

… it is there further down in the album results:

By limiting the search result to the library, it is the only one shown:

Trying with the next unidentified one, Sonic Youth Live in Austin, is also found by search:

Is this what is not working for you?

Hi. Thanks for trying to help. I guess what I’m getting at it seems inconsistent on what comes up for an unidentified album or song. I have only my own songs or albums. Nothing streamed.

So take this Stevie Wonder promo box set.

I try searching for Boogie On Reggae Woman. I only chose this since the song is near the top of the list.

It doesn’t show up as being on this album. I know that it’s on the album now since I can go to the album and look for the title but that’s not the way I think it should be. I think it’s great that Roon shows me how many of whatever songs I have in my library. I absolutely love this feature especially since I collect edits or whatever of songs. But it has to be in Roon’s database that it uses and when it’s not it almost doesn’t exist.

When I search for Stevie Wonder in my unidentified albums this is what shows up, and is what I expect.

This is what shows up under unidentified for “Boogie”

It only grabbed the album title and nothing for the song title. Sometimes it will get the song on an unidentified album but most of the time no. I didn’t cherry pick this song. It’s just at the top like I said and had unique words.

I hope that helped flesh out what I’m seeing. For that Stevie comp I have to go to the album and see what songs are on it. Not the end of the world or anything but seems crazy it works like it does most if the time.

Thanks again for the help.

We must be precise here. What you are doing here is not “search” but “filter”. Filter is a literal text match. It matches any text string in artist or album names in the album view, if they are in your library in My Albums.

“Search” is the magnification glass icon top right and works completely differently. It uses Roon’s cloud service and does a “smarter” match (often not so smart actually) both on your library content and streaming services (which you don’t have)

So before we continue, when you look for the Stevie Wonder song, are you using filter or search. It is not quite obvious from the screenshot.

Actually what it looks like is that you use neither filter nor search for this, but you went to My Compositions and are looking at the recordings of the composition - and then you can’t see the recording from the World of Stevie Wonder album. This is yet another totally different thing with different behavior and problems. I think I know what your problem there is and can explain it (but not solve it), but could you confirm first, please?

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Thanks for the info. I tried searching and filtering. Sorry it was confusing. I think I chose compositions in one of the screen grabs because it gave me a few more results.

I used filtering just for my unidentified albums to see if the song would show up.

If I can figure out the behavior for searching and it showing the unidentified song titles I’ll be good.

OK. Let me first explain why most likely you can’t find the recording of the composition from the World album in My Compositions. Because this behavior might annoy you.

Roon seems to get the information of whether a track is a composition from the metadata services. Except, sometimes it seems to be missing, and there is no way to manually and reliably force a track to be a composition if it isn’t. Go to the Boogie on Reggae Woman track on the World album and click the three-dot menu on the right. Most likely you will find that the menu has Go to Stevie Wonder, but no Go to Composition. (Proper compositions have this menu entry, you will find it if you look in the tracks that do appear as recordings of the composition). That’s because this composition property in the metadata seems to be missing and Roon does not recognize that track as a composition. And that’s why it does not show up as a recording of that composition in My Compositions.

Now, sometimes the following helps, but not always:

  • It may be that the track does not have a composer. If it does not have a composer, it is not a composition. Go to the three-dot menu of the track > Edit > Credits and add the correct composer (the same one as the composition has in My Compositions). This may prompt it to be recognized and added to the composition view. Or not. When using local files, you can of course add the composer in the file tag instead, but this also does not have a reliable effect.
  • Sometimes this is not enough. In some of these cases it helps to add the album from a streaming service to the library. This seems to drag in the composition metadata and it will be applied to the local album as well, making it a proper composition. But you can’t do that as you don’t have streaming services.
  • [In some cases it can also happen that a different track title causes the track not to be recognized as a recording of a composition. Like it happens sometimes with cover versions or re-recordings of a track by the same artist, which don’t necessarily have the same title. It then usually helps to merge the compositions in the My Compositions view (select them both, then a Merge button should appear top right, click to merge them). In this case it helps to add the track title from the composition to the offending track (e.g. in brackets) so that you can make them both visible at the same time by filtering]

Sometimes neither adding a composer nor adding a streaming album to the library helps. It is very annoying and leads to threads like

Now back to the searching :slight_smile: As I have shown above, for me the search finds albums by their title that are unidentified. I have now tried searching for a track from such an unidentified album and it is found as well:

This unidentified album, Wood for Rainer, is a Various Artists album. Even if I search for an artist that is credited as Primary Artist on just one of the tracks, and that does not exist otherwise at all, the search finds it:

So, all of this seems to work for me and I have no good idea why it does not for you. However, your screenshots above don’t show anything about the actual searches you were trying, just the filter and composition thing. So I am not quite sure about the situation you have there.

Some possible causes that come to my mind are:

  • I have streaming and you don’t. It seems unlikely but I can’t rule out that maybe because the search runs in the cloud it behaves differently and worse for local files in the absence of streaming.
  • If an album is unidentified, it obviously can’t get any metadata (if it did, it would not be unidentified). Therefore, artist credits have to be added manually, and only if this was done would the search be able to find the album when searching for an artist on it. Not sure if you have done that.
  • However, even in the absence of artist credits I would expect that the search finds the album and tracl at least by title. But then we are back to the problem that I have no screenshots of your searches and results, so I am flying blind in this regard.
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This is an issue I see as well

Known and “normal”. If you mistype a name or title, add or leave out spaces, etc., it will not be found. There is an endless discussion about this in the search topic. This is unrelated to the album being unidentified though, and is always the case