Update to 1.7 and now all I see is cannot play too many errors

Core Machine (VortexBox/System info/Roon build number)

Vortext box running Core 1.7

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

Gigibit LAN

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Parasound zDAC

Description Of Issue

I updated from 1.6 to 1.7. Showed library and database updated and restarted. I restored my core. Now all I receive is Playback interrupted Cannot Play Too many errors. I get this on everything. I see all my tracks, covers etc. in the playback software but nothing will play.

Hi @Craig_Cheeseman,

Since updating have you tried rebooting your Core and endpoints?

If you play to a different endpoint, like System Output of a remote, does the same behavior occur?

Yes. I have tried rebooting everything. Only thing I have not tried is uninstalling client software and reinstalling but not sure that would do anything. Bummer is I chose to update all my devices so my home system may be down as well.

Now. I cannot log in and it just keeps asking if I am Online. I obviously am online.

Hi @dylan Well now the frustration has set in. I cannot log into Roon with my valid username and password. All I get is to check if I am Online. Tried from all devices. Stable for so long and now completely down. Should have waited I guess. Can someone tell me why I am getting the check Online message when I am online? I have uninstalled an reinstalled, rebooted both the server and local computer. Nothing.

A post was split to a new topic: Tracks are loading slow errors

Hi @Craig_Cheeseman,

Can you share a screenshot of the error message you’re receiving?

I have enabled diagnostics on your account so our technical staff can get some more insight into what’s going on here. The next time your Core is active a diagnostics report will automatically be generated and uploaded directly to our servers

Once that’s been received, I’ll be sure to update this thread and pass the diagnostics over to the team for further analysis.

Hi @dylan

sorry for the delay. My home system worked fine but still cannot access my work system. I can initially see and choose my core. I type my login information in and get this screen:

I reinstalled Roon server on my server and still nothing. I am able to initially choose my work server and then I go through the above screen over and over on my phone and desktop. I get home and I am able to un-authorize my work server and then use everything at home. Has there been a change to any of the network ports used by 1.7?

Hi @Craig_Cheeseman,

I have enabled diagnostics on your account so our technical staff can get some more insight into what’s going on here. The next time your Core is active a diagnostics report will automatically be generated and uploaded directly to our servers

Once that’s been received, I’ll be sure to update this thread and pass the diagnostics over to the team for further analysis.

Hi @dylan I am at work today and experiencing the same issues still. I have restarted my core and can see it when I start roon client but then get the check if I am online login issue.

Hi @Craig_Cheeseman,

The team is still investigating this. In the meantime, I’m hoping you can try to use your home Core machine when you’re next able to and when you’re finished (before closing down before going to work) try going to Settings > Account and logging out of the home machine completely.

Then try to login at work and let us know if that changes things.

HI @dylan. Ok. Will do. The home machine was working fine all through the holiday. I will log out before I come to the office tomorrow and will update after that. Thanks for getting back to me.

Hi @dylan I logged out out home. I now have a new error but still cannot access my work machine. I tried to click unauthorize but it just refreshes the screen. Question. With the update to 1.7 did you change port usage or how the client accesses the server on the network?

Hi @Craig_Cheeseman,

Thanks for giving that a try. We are escalating this to our senior development team and will be meeting with them soon. I’ll be sure to reach out with their feedback soon.

Hi @Craig_Cheeseman,

Can you try using a fresh database on your Core, which experiences “Are you Online” screen issue? The steps are the following:

  • Make a Backup of your current Roon Database
  • Stop RoonServer
  • Navigate to your Roon’s Database Location
  • Find the folder that says “RoonServer”
  • Rename the “Roon” folder to “RoonServer_old”
  • Restart/Reinstall the RoonServer App to generate a new RoonServer folder

Hi @dylan. I followed your steps and it has been sitting in the login screen for a couple of hours. I can see on my server that it did recreate the RoonServer folder. How long should the database creation take? I have roughly 15K of songs. Thanks.

Hi @Craig_Cheeseman,

Can you share a screenshot of what you’re seeing? Is it the same “are you online” message as before or just a normal login window?

If you enter your credentials are you able to log in?

Hi @dylan Here is the screen shot. When I first start the software I see the Core and I select it. That brings me to the login page. After I click login it sits on this screen. No timeout and the icon is swirling like it is doing something. It is using 0.4% cpu and 38mb of RAM.

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