Updated Roon Remote to 2.0.1353 and lost all album art?

Roon Core Machine

Roon Remote

  • Windown 11
  • Roon 2.0.1353
  • CPU i7 1065G7
  • 32Gb RAM


  • Version 2.0.1311
  • Proxmox 8Gb RAM
  • Proxmox 4-core from i7 1360P
  • Library on NAS (Same Proxmox, internal speed ~20G+)

RoPieeeXL 2023.09 (1118)

  • Raspberry Pi 4 4Gb

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Everything on LAN, no WLAN on audio
Zyxel XGS1250-12 10G-switches

Connected Audio Devices

Topping E30-II DAC USB from Ropiee

Number of Tracks in Library

2700 Tracks, 169 Albums

Description of Issue

Both notebook used as remote and ROCK were on 2.0.1311 but I wanted to try 1353 since notebook’s ROON-installation have been a huge memory-hog. Mem-thread
After installing 1353 on notebook album art is grey on all albums.

Opening an album they are black:

Album art is there, since clicking the black album pic opens correct image. Some albums show the correct image when viewing the album.

I did some testing going to one album and edited display preferences like “prefer file over Roon” and vice versa. Noticed that set options do not stick ie they are gone after re-opening preferences.

this led me to think of possible permission-issues but same happens when running Roon with “Run as admin”-option.

Would it be possible to get installation-package for the older 1311-version?

Sort of solved with following steps:

  • Deleted folders “RAATServer”, “Roon” and “RoonServer” from %AppData%\Local\
  • Installed from latest (1353) installation package
  • Pointed Roon towards existing ROCK

After setting some settings like theme and audio devices back to previous settings averything appears normal, album art including Live Radio etc are back to normal.

The huge memory-usage is still there, I still can not understand where Roon frontend on notebook is wasting 1Gb of memory?

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