@danny This capability is listed in the Feature Requests and has votes posted for it.
I can’t see any against?
Hi, I meant it has votes listed against the Suggested functional enhancement
I must be missing something, I see 21 votes for it. Didn’t know you could vote against something?
Can’t see any opposition in the comments either
In British English, “against” is often used to mean “in relation to”, whereas in American English, “against” is rarely used that way. It looks like @simon_pepper changed his wording to be less local.
I see, you always learn, thanks
Me too, wasn’t aware of that non-usage of English terms by the Americans
I am always reminding my Developers to record duration & progress against the ticket
Thank you
I use art director and find it great but:
1.maybe you should think about a separate application or a tab in the roon application for roon valence
as part of a web form but also an application, is it possible to make the visibility of pending photos available
What are the minimum parameters of the photo to be visible on the screen 14.9 "1920 * 390?
thank you
Would definitely love to be a part of this!
When I insert American or English artists in art director they normally appear after 4 or 5 days, but I inserted other country artists actually more than 60 photos and after 15 days they are still pending.
Why is there such a diference in the authorization process?
I’ve got 9 images pending for more than two weeks now.
My understanding is that the training of volunteer moderators is starting next week.
So the question I just posted isn’t uncommon. Thanks for the heads up @RBO .
Looking forward to a quicker approval process!
Can’t you make it so if we have images that won’t be approved we will be notified by email.
And please learn them not to be to picky about the images it’s not always easy to find good ones and I think some image is better than none at all.
We are never picky on the quality of the emails. The moderation purpose is to:
- make sure people are’t uploading porn or offensive photos (photos of gunshots to the head, etc…)
- the crops are appropriate and not cutting off people
- no logos for individuals
the rest is all left up to the voting process
I hope the process speeds up, I Am less motivated with art director at the moment, as things are taking a very long time to appear or being approved. I Am still waiting and soon it will make month.
Because of this I feel my effort is not that rewarding because I can’t see the results my of work on Roon Server.
At least the art director user updated photos should appear for that user before being approved, and after approved appear to all other users.
two new moderators enabled today!
What is quantum timelines