Very slow performance - database issue?

Roon Server Machine

Intel NUC8i7BE, 16GB RAM

Networking Gear & Setup Details

wired ethernet, NAS, NUC and streamer connected to TP-Link switch, controlled by Linksys router

Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library


Description of Issue

I have been using Roon for several years to stream music from a NAS. I am using ROCK on an Intel NUC. Everything has worked great until the past few months.

Roon had been getting increasingly slow but became dramatically slower over the past few weeks, to the point that it takes 30-60 seconds to load an album, artist, etc. This is not just when it is pulling data from the Internet, but also when all or most of the information resides on the NUC.

After reviewing several threads on the Community website, I decided to review the files on the NUC. Based on the article on the Roon site, I typed in “%localappdata%”, expecting to find either a Roon or RoonServer folder. I was surprised to discover that I have both a Roon and a RoonServer folder. In general, the RoonServer folder has no files newer than 11/14/2023, while the Roon folder has files through 11/27/2023.

Both Application folders have software dated 11/7/2023, although the RoonServer folder contains RoonAppliance.exe and RoonAppliance.exe.config files while the Roon folder does not. There are also differences in the folder labelled 200001353.

The Cache folder in RoonServer is empty, while that in Roon is not. There are some differences in the Orbit and Registry folder sin the Database, both in terms of the files contained and those in the Roon folder being newer.

There are no logs in the RoonServer folder, while the Roon folder has logs from 11/2/2023 to 11/27/2023.

The Settings folders are identical, and the Temp folders are empty.

Is this normal? My Roon database is 28GB and resides on a 458GB SSD. Roon performed it’s normal backup of the database last night.

Thanks in advance for the help, and congratulations on the Harman acquisition.
strong text


I also note that Windows has a crash log dated 11/14/2023.

FYI - I use an iPad as a remote, and the same slowness is exhibited with both the Apple device and my Windows desktop.

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The statements above are contradictory?
Please explain.

Yes, nothing strange with two folders. Since last update, Roon always come in a twofer, both the client and the server. Some of us only utilize one of these on a particular host though, but Roon believes things are clearer this way. I’m not convinced.

Your server hardware is not up to snuff for that size library.


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AJ - the CPU, Ram, both?

I am using Rock - when I search on the website, I assumed at first that the instructions were to access the ROCK system on the NUC

So, what you are saying is that you are running Roon OS and Roon Server on the NUC, NOT Windows?
Show a screen shot of your ROCK GUI web configuration page, please.

And, then i assume you are running Roon also on a Windows machine? Because %localappdata% is a windows only shell folder…
Still, you won’t find anything in the Server-folder on the device only acting as a remote. The server part of Roon is running on the ROCK device.

Still, running a 400K track library on a NUC will be slow as molasses. While i agree there has been performance hits for these older NUC’s with the latest Roon release, you are pulling a huge load with a moped engine… Get yourself a proper server computer, no need for extreme things, but a desktop/workstation CPU with a relatively low Core count and high frequency is best suited.

You can have a look at the first posts of this thread regarding a similar behaviour. And also get info on what cpus and config might suit your needs…


Thanks so much for all your help with my issue. The symptoms you described in your linked post are similar to mine, although mine have increased dramatically in the past few weeks.

To summarize my system:

All music files are stored on a QNAP NAS.

ROCK is on an Intel NUC

I use Roon on an Apple iPod to stream to a PS Audio DAC with a built-in network bridge

I use Roon on a Windows 11 desktop to manage the library and database, as well as to stream to a Topping D10 DAC

Everything is hardwired via ethernet and has run well since I built this system 5 years ago, migrating from Logitech Media Server

Attached is a screenshot of my configuration page.

I have summarized my current thoughts below:

I plan to build a new ROCK server in the spring. In the meantime, I have ordered additional memory for the NUC to provide 32 GB. I assume this will improve some of the speed issues I have been having.

I am thinking that the dramatic recent decrease in speed is due to the crash of the Roon software on the Windows desktop two 2 weeks ago. Are you certain I should have both Roon and RoonServer folders? None of the files in the RoonServer folder have been updated since the crash, while those in the Roon folder are current. I wonder if Roon accidentally created the RoonServer folder and then crashed while doing so. I am thinking of either: 1) deleting the RoonServer fold to see if that solves the problem, or 2) uninstalling Roon on the desktop and deleting all local files, then reinstalling.

I would appreciate your thoughts.

Yes, it’s all part of build 1353, and the choice to always deliver “Roon” as both server and remote.

I think you are wise to add some RAM, considering the extensive library. But i would definently start by rebooting your ROCK device! :smiley: It’s been at it for more that 100 days, and could really use a refresh!

Your both suggested activites on the Windows machine will unlikely affect your Roon performance. The first one will have no effect at all i belive, but the second one (remove and reinstall) may be a good idea if you feel the Windows machine behaving very differently from the iPod, regarding library browsing and control.

Yes, Roon OS has been running for 105 days, but the Roon Server has just been running for about 2 days.

@Mark_Schumacher - did you use the Web Administration interface to restart your Roon Server two days ago?

Geoff - Yes, I did. I restart the Server periodically as I have set Roon to only rescan the NAS upon startup.

Mikael - Thanks for the suggestion to rescan. Roon seems to be generally much faster, but periodically exhibits the extreme slowness. I will see what happens when I add the additional memory.

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