We want your ideas for Playlists!

Thanks - makes sense, but also means history doesn’t work for my playlist scenario. Maybe my use case is fringe and most folks don’t want queues to be playlists.

With the scrobble - does that get passed back to last.fm to improve their recommendations to you solely, or does roon get to leverage it (either directly, or getting info back from last.fm)?

the only reason we scobble is because users like to store their plays in last.fm – we dont use the data from last.fm at all (we dont have access to it)

We do have a new non-destructive queue in the works that should fix your queue-to-playlist use case.


Is this what you would like: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXUIBsJFbiFicVDBZr_xlGw if so, promote it so it has more viewers and I will make more videos.


What I would like is the ability within a playlist to move more than one song at a time. For example, I do a lot of large playlist, like “Best of the 80’s”. Currently the playlist is 300 songs. It takes forever to move one song at a time, like moving a song that is one the playlist at position 300 and you want to move it to position 8. As far as I have been able to determine, you cannot move more than one song at a time like this - I would like the ability to highlight several tracks and move them up or down on the playlist. If we can already do this in Roon, I would love to know how - if you cannot, I would love the ability to do this.


I want queues to be playlists, definitely.

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Yeah to the queue. Can you jump that one up the queue :slight_smile:

Here’s an interesting advanced function that Roon might consider - the idea came to mind from a post above: what if a “Zone” wasn’t only multiple endpoints with identical content? What if a Zone could also be set up as one or several output endpoints and a “cue” endpoint for listening to a track to see if you want to add it to the queue? This cue endpoint would not play to the main Zone endpoints. Like the cue function on a DJ set.

This could be done manually by configuring the cue as a separate zone and then switching to that zone to play a track and then switching back. But what if Roon allowed each zone to have a cue endpoint so that you don’t have to do this manually? Then one could have headphones on, or be in a different room, and sample tracks and shoot them into the queue easily.

I don’t know that I would use this use case very much as I don’t often consider me sitting at my desk listening to music as DJ’ing a rave, but it would add to the fun factor, I think, and be occasionally useful for me. Maybe very useful for others?

On a related but separate point, in another thread, I suggested that a playlist or the queue (or both, I guess, since playlist becomes the queue when you play it) be almost like a macro. Rather than individual tracks, I would like playlists/the queue to be able to execute any number of related features or functions. So a playlist/the queue could be:

Play song #1
Play song #2
Play 3 random songs from genre #1
Play 30 minutes from Internet radio station A
Play playlist X
Start Radio and play songs similar to Song #3

Now that would be cool. Especially when combined with an upgraded Roon shuffle and Radio features. I think this might be accomplished by leveraging the bookmark feature with commands for that bookmark, since some of the above items are pretty similar to a bookmark.

I would like to have dynamic playlists like in LMS
For example: give me 50 songs with 30% never played tracks, 50% favorites and 20% misc

Or maybe a radio with extended settings which allow such a thing, Instead starting a radio only from one startpoint, give us the posibility to mix: 10% gospel, 20% never played, 20% from the 60s, …
Let as use and mix all the criterias you have in the focus filter. And such a radio can be saved as a bookmark.


Hi @Sloop_John_B

Didn’t see a response to your post above about saving playlists in a particular order so thought I’d let you know what I’ve found while tinkering around with Playlist views:

After organising a playlist into a particular order I can select all in the usual way (select one track, top left menu select all). This brings up the usual selection header. There are now two three dot menus with “Save to Playlist” as options.

If I Save to Playlist using the usual lower three dot menu, then I get a clone of the original Playlist.

If I Save to Playlist using the selection header three dot menu, then I get a new Playlist with tracks ordered as on screen. I can then play it in that order.

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Well there’s dedication to find this “feature”, I’m impressed and thanks for highlighting this.


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I don’t know how the Queue / Playlist could work. There is only one Queue and it changes every time a track finishes playing or tracks are added to the Queue.
You can select All Tracks in the Queue (at a particular time) and add these these to a Playlist.
To select All, long press any track and use the dropdown as per the attached.

Hi MPD, I have followed your posts. The Queue constantly changes and is very different to Playlists, which I often carefully sequence and edit.

If you want to preview a track, tap it on a tablet and “Add Next”. After the current track finishes, your Preview track will play. If you don’t like it, use the “Fast Forward” icon in the bottom left of the screen.

If you think a listening session is worth saving, create a Playlist from a combination of selected tracks from the History View and the Queue View

Yes, i think the drive here is for the non-destructive queue that can be curated whilst playing, to check tracks etc, and then saved as a playlist.


My workflow is to:

  1. Create a Playlist and add a few Tracks
  2. Play the Playlist
  3. Add more tracks and rearrange the order
  4. Play the Playlist again by tapping the next song (after the current track) > “Play from here”. This resets the Queue to the latest version of the Playlist.

I concede that many folk here like the non-destructive Queue concept

@Danny when the PawMasher was removed, the ability to “Add Next” Playlist tracks “From here” was also removed. This prevented the currently playing track being skipped midway. This functionality deletion was a pity.

It would be good to add another Play option “Add Next, From Here”

If you haven’t figured it out yet, How to alter the numbers order? [Re-ordering Playlist by Artist, Answered]

Is there any way to sort the list of playlists by date created or modified? I often find songs on Tidal and add them to one of handful of ‘new’ tracks playlists, I’d like these to sort to the top.

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Love to be able to REMOVE a song from a playlist within the album view, rather than having to go into playlist, find the song, and then remove it.


I want to be able to make a playlist in Roon and load it into TIDAL. Roon is awesome for exploring large batches of music to find stuff I like, so I can create cool playlists to take with me. But right now there doesn’t seem to be a way to get my playlists from Roon over to TIDAL (other than building the playlist manually in TIDAL, which is certainly possible). That means that all of the awesome stuff I’ve put together in Roon is stuck on my home computer.

It would be really great to sit down with Roon for an hour or so and make cool playlists for TIDAL.