I realize this is probably an impossible question, but I am wondering what size speakers I would need if I ever get my wife to agree. Our family room is about 20 feet X 14 feet with a flat ceiling about 18 feet high. The room is enclosed by walls on three sides, but open to a foyer and staircase on one end. My TV and sound system are against one of the 20 feet walls, so I sit about 14 feet from where the speakers would be located. The foyer and staircase are off to the left of me.
Yes, but right now I’m just wondering if they need to be floor standing speakers for a room of this size or smaller speakers on stands or bookshelf. I’m not ready to get into actual speakers because I don’t yet have a budget. Until/unless my wife changes her stance (not likely), I won’t be getting speakers.
I have said on here a few times if I was starting out that I would get active speakers, with or without a DAC built in, however as your wife needs appeasing have you thought of on wall speakers? PMC do one called wafer I believe? May be a good compromise.
Thanks, but she is not going to go for that either. This is probably a pipe dream on my part. I do not want speakers with a DAC. I have an Oppo 203 I would use as a pre-amp, so it would be analog to amp and analog to speakers. I’m just wondering if floor standing speakers are required for a room this size or would something smaller work? Right now, my Bose Soundtouch 300 plus subwoofer works OK, but it is HDMI in which is bypassing my Oppo DAC, I think. I have to use headphones for 24/192.
My room is about the same size as yours, I have a 5.1 system however the main speakers are B&W CM5’s. To get a good volume they have to be cranked up pretty high, I would love to have some floorstanders so it didn’t feel like I was pushing them too hard.
So my suggestion would be go as large as possible !
There is no reason why smaller speakers won’t work. If you were really sneaky you could book her a pampering day and ask a dealer to loan you a couple of different speakers to try out for the day. Your ears will tell you if you like the sound or not.
Floorstanders. I suggest you attend audio shows to listen to a few different types if your local dealer doesn’t have multiple brand selections. If your dealer will let you in home test, even better.
Consider headphones as well if marital bliss is an issue. I find I now prefer headphone listening, and you can set up a great system for less than a moderately priced set of speakers.
Are you ok with buying a version back or two. There are dealers who sell New Old Stock at great discounts. I bought my Monitor Audio Gold References at half price that way.
Maybe the headphone idea is the way to go. I have a moderately priced Audioquest Dragonfly Cobalt with Sony headphones. I also have an a pair of RF Sennheiser analog out from my Oppo 203. I should consider getting a really good headphone DAC and better headphones.
Well floor standers tend to be larger/taller and SWMBOs tend to say “No” more easily (no need to ask how I know) and there are some outstanding sounding stand-mounts available which may be deemed more acceptable. I eventually went with the Dynaudio Special Forty (yes I know you don’t want specific speaker ideas at the moment, but feel it is pertinent), they look fabulous (and more importantly got the royal seal of approval) and sound divine, and will easily fill your room with sound. Mine have to be wall bracket mounted, not ideal, but they work really well.
Most bookshelf speakers on stands take the same amount of space as small floorstanders and you’ll get a more fuller sound with floorstanders, this was my reasoning for getting them past my other half.
Involve your Wife in the speaker selection process. And let her put ornaments on them when selected (referencing something else you posted!). Make he feel part of the process. When done, let me know how you got on so I can do the same!
Seriously, you have quite a bit of space there so I think size isn’t the issue so much as decor. Picking something that fits isn’t just about size. So sit her down, tell you want her help in choosing and involve her.