When audio is redirected to the speakers, roon stops

Hi everybody,

I’m 100% new on room.
My roon server is on a NAS, and I use a android tablet as remote.

Problem : Everything works perfectly when the audio is “tablet”. But when I switch on my pearl Akoya speakers, the music is stopped and never starts.


Hello @Fred_Belleton and welcome to the forum.

Sounds to me like this one:

Hi @Fred_Belleton,
Thanks for writing in to let us know about this issue. I think @BlackJack is correct here. The update was released today. Can you play to the Akoya speaker after updating to the latest version of Roon?

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Hi, okIi will try the update.
Since I’m not using any apple device i skip the advice, because i seemt only concern airplay.
I keep you informed

The Airplay protocol is used by many non-Apple devices, including the Pearl Akoya:

How are you using it in Roon? With Bluetooth or Airplay? You can see what protocol is being used by looking in :gear:> Audio.

You might be in even deeper trouble then, but see if the new release of Roon helps you. If not, see also:

As a non-Apple customer, the Akoya might not be the best choice (in combination with Roon) for you. Adding a Roon Ready streamer or a Roon Bridge device to overcome the Apple AirPlay dependency might be the better solution for you.

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I’m a little surprised, since Apple is 0,0001% of the market (ok :slight_smile: maybe more ), how can it be possible to have a full standard equipment (android, windows, etc…) bad supported just because you are not on Apple ?
I just bought roon, I never used it yet, I will ask a refund, problem solved.

It was the decision of Cabasse to not support ChromeCast (Android) but AirPlay (Apple) only. It is Apple’s decision to make the setup so complicated and dependant on Apple devices and services (on purpose). Roon Labs does IMHO a great job supporting both popular (mobile) streaming protocols besides their very own RAAT. But I’m just another user so I don’t have to sell you on anything. :wink:

PS: I used to use Cabasse lifestyle consumer electronics products too. They just stopped working after some time. I’m also not convinced by their newer products like yours for example (Apple focus, no more trust in their electronics/firmware, …). I kept Roon and my trusty conventional speakers from Cabasse. I avoid overpriced lifestyle products, using only reasonably priced ones for non critical listening only. My way to solve (costly) problems (don’t get burned more than once).

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Hi, the release is 1400+, I understand nothing : my roon server is 20220216.
I’m on a synology. So what is this 1400+ version ??

I try to understand and discovered that there is an…WINDOWS VERSION ! And it’s simply called “roon”, and I have no idea what is it (and it’s a problem, because you said it’s my solution).

So now I know : Roon Server on Synology, Nucleus, Roon, Roon Arc, Roon Remote…did I forget something ? Is there a document, notice, somthing that explains what we have to do when we just payed the software ? Like a tutorial ?

I suggest that you spend some time reading the Help articles, perhaps starting with the “Getting started” articles…

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