When will the duplicate albums showing in database be sorted

Can I please ask for the duplicate sorting issues
be fixed asap. This has gone on too long now and I and constantly finding more albums affected by this bug. The database is Roons most important feature yet it’s been in a broken state for far too long. Whilst I am all for performance improvements to it not at the sacrifice of features of it that worked perfectly fine until things where messed with.

Today discovered more silliness.

Here with compilation sorting set to Various Artists, I see two of my Blow Up a Go Go compilation. I have only one.

Turn it to be sorted via album, I now have one but miraculously I now have two Blow Up by Television which inst a compilation it’s a live album.

I have put up with updates of late that add no value to me to Roon please can we fix a basic function of its database to show what I have correctly and the correct number of albums at all times when using focus. It’s not much to ask since it used to work just fine.

Album count with it as albums no focus active yet not all my albums

With it as various artists


@benjamin I uploaded my database a few months back when experiencing this issue as well. It starts happening insidiously several days after a server restart, and gets solved with s server restart. Luckily, I don’t care that much, but it would be nice to see this finally resolved, as many others have replicated it. I can do again if it is desired. Let me know. (Right now, I don’t have the issue at all, since I just installed the latest update. I will have to wait several days to see if it crops up again.)

FWIW, I think it would make sense to change Roon’s internal album-sorting logic to rely only on the first read of an album’s “Album Artist” tag, and not the “Artist” tag…

Here are my references:

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Another Duplicate today two versions of Thompson Twins - Here’s to Future Days. One under the act one under Various Artists. No idea why it’s under Various Artists at all.


Even worse when switched to use Various Artists and other albums affected. This is an absolute mess. The Thompson Twins albums are not compilations.


That’s interesting - I have this:

Admittedly, I have two different versions of Quick Step & Side Kick. So I am not presently seeing the issue. I wonder what is different? (I am not seeing any problem with “not played” either).

Restart as ever clears it. But it will return as it always does. As you could see in my last post albums are jus broken as it shows far more albums out of the albums I have on display.

I will be keeping my eyes open as well because I usually wind up seeing it myself. I will use this particular filter/search combo as well. Seems like a good one to use.

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And here we go, when sorting by Artist:


This is beyond albums having to do with various artists:

And this is a brand new one:

Yep it’s evolved passed it being various artists.
I wonder if the trigger is adding new music?

Edited title now as it’s not just Various Artists this is affecting although likely related to same issue.

That is what I’m thinking. My lack of self control will make that hard to test.

EDIT: Update: I’ve restarted and all counts are sane. I will commit to not adding music until this Friday, but I can’t promise I will behave after that :slight_smile:

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3 days later, no music added, so far, all counts are still sane…

Mines been fine since last restart. I have not updated to latest version either yet. Or added anything new.

OK, it’s been 6 days later, I’ve added no albums and have no modifications, and here’s what it looks like:

I’ve only just done a large amount of playback, most of which has been through ARC.

Oh dear. Not looking good it’s definitely not adding albums then. Must be its updates it does itself.

I just got done adding 5 albums, and instead of reporting 4958 (4953+5), it reports:


EDIT 1: What’s weird is that this 4960 appears accurate, almost as if the initial number was not accurate. I’ve exported the full list to Excel and it all makes sense. Weird.

EDIT 2: Anyway, decided to perform another server restart to see what happens. All numbers consistent for now.

Oh well I had a nice run but it’s back. The only thing I can think of that I have

done to caus this was. Sign out and back in to Qobuz to test search speeds and create a few playlists with Qobuz content but not added to my library. Hmmm!

And now it’s gone up!!