Why do user created album and artist tags display in random order?

Hi. Does anyone know why user created tags for albums and artists do not display in alphabetical order? (using Roon tags in the software, not referring to ID3 tags) - but tags at track level do display alphabetically (as I would expect, as it makes logical sense).

I’m trying to understand if this is expected behaviour or just a small oversight by the Roon devs. I would think the rules to display tags would be the same across artist, album and tracks. Having tags in alphabetic order makes it easier to find a specific tag when cleaning up and making library changes.

Edit: I found these topics but only saw later that they are yours anyway :slight_smile:

Yeah I see there’s no traction so thought I’d check with the community. I do know I’m part of a very small minority with this. I rely heavily on tags at all 3 levels (artist/album/track). The randomised display order of artist and album tags means I have to work harder to check/validate when updating my music management.

Yeah, I don’t get the random order either. Alphabetically wouldn’t do it for me either, though. Another topic where there is a surprising amount of complexity when considering all use cases :slight_smile: