Windows Home Server 2011

i am assuming with the comments about Windows Server 2012 R2 not being supported, and WHS 2011 running Windows 2008 R2 kernel, there is no reason to pursue roon running on a headless WHS 2011 server like RIPNAS? Thoughts would be appreciated.

Well, I tried, but didn’t get very far.

If I’ve missed something simple, then I’d be delighted to be set right…

I have successfully installed Roon Server on my RIPNASv4 Windows Home Server without a single glitch. I ensured that when the firewall asked permissions for Roon, I gave it access to all domains, public on down since my home network is not open in any event. Works fantastic and makes me feel better than running it off a laptop since the server is the center of my home network. Though I will say I ran it off a wired laptop and saw no difference with the server whether it be signal continuity or recognizing endpoints. Most excellent all around.