Hi Ive had exactly the same problem, so interested to hear how to sort it.
I have a QNAP, is there anyway of restarting the Roon server/core without restarting the whole of the QNAP?
Hi Ive had exactly the same problem, so interested to hear how to sort it.
I have a QNAP, is there anyway of restarting the Roon server/core without restarting the whole of the QNAP?
The Roon @support team prefer one topic per customer’s issue… so they are able to track it and focus on each individual problem. hence I split out your topic.
In order for Roon’s @support team to better assist you, please provide a brief description of your current setup using this link as a guide.
Make sure to describe your network configuration/topology, including any networking hardware currently in use, so they can have a clear understanding of how your devices are communicating.
Hi, Im sorry about that, Im conscious that I probably have the same problem as others so prefer to try and sort things myself before imposing on others. I shall collate the informaiton requested in teh guide and post here
Hi @Heddwyn_Evans,
Can you share a screenshot of what you’re seeing?
As mentioned by Carl, please provide a brief description of your current setup using this link as a guide.
Make sure to describe your network configuration/topology, including any networking hardware currently in use, so we can have a clear understanding of how your devices are communicating.
Finally, let us know if a reboot helps. Thanks!
I use a QNAP TS251+, 4gb RAM, with the roon core on an external SSD plugged into the USB3 drive. The database is on the QNAP NAS in 3tb drives (20,000 tracks), and I use Qobuz. With the QNAP plugged into ethernet port of my broadband router (BT Smart hub). Sorry I dont have very advanced technical understanding of networking. End points are mainly a Chord Poly/Mojo, with a AV amp running chromecast and airplay, I have further 2x yamaha speakers running airplay. I use iphone, and ipads as remotes. I recently installed remote onto mac too.
Its worked without issues until the last approx 2 weeks. Ive had recurring issues with failing to log into Qobuz and artwork refreshing. I clicked on the button on QNAP core to update software, and I think something went worse then. I since uninstalled and reinstalled the core, but no difference. Ive tried to reinstall from backup where I set it, but it periodically worked (to my delight) yesterday. But everytime I needed to connect to core, I had to pretend to install new core and login to Roon account and it would suddenly work.
Today, everytime I click on my room core, it prompts me to log into account but it now wants to scan my library as if Im a completely new user (im assuming). My reluctant to do this incase it wipes my profile etc. It seems to be getting gradually worse
The SSD is a 120gb, but its showing at 16mb (which is something thats changed since error). Ive added screeshot
I hope this is sufficient info.
Also just to point out, when roon did work I had the issue with meta data needing update software aka the issue that I was split from originally. I suspect though it’s all linked
Hi anything to suggest?
Bumping @support
Hi, seems to be a few issues with QNAP and/or NAS based roon system. @support
Hi @Heddwyn_Evans,
Thanks for your patience here while your case reached my queue!
This is certainly strange, and might be causing some of the issues here, so we should get this resolved first. If you create a subfolder so that you don’t point to the root of the folder and point the database to the subfolder instead, does that help?
Hi Noris,
Thanks very much for getting back to me
there is something strange with how Roon now talks to this drive, its been fine but something has gone wrong.
Ive reformatted the drive and tested it with writing and erasing files etc, and Ive reformatted. Its seems to respond fine to other interactions outside of Roon. Ive done as asked and created a subfolder. When I point Roon to that, I get the following (screenshot)
When I change location to just RoonCore, I get the server operating, but only showing 16mb of capacity.
I was worried the drive had failed, but given it reads and writes ok it seems, and the NAS can reformat without problems then I thought the drive probably ok.
Hi @Heddwyn_Evans,
That’s strange that you are getting NaN of 0.00B used, that suggests a hardware issue with the drive or setup. If you try to host the Roon database on another drive like an internal drive, does that work? Also tagging @crieke in case he has other thoughts.
Hi, I dropped the files onto the NAS drive, and it works now albeit slower. Must be a SSD hardware failure, it was an amazon cheapy so I guess get what you pay for! If you have any recommended SSD drives, would be appreciated but understood if you did not.
Thanks for your time, and I bet your pleased to have one less on the list!
Hello @Heddwyn_Evans,
Thanks for letting me know that the issue is resolved by using another location, this is fantastic news!
There are a few mentioned on existing threads on the forum, for example:
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