ARC offline mode shows low-resolution or missing album artwork (ref#3GTHD4)

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· I'm having trouble with Roon ARC

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Describe the issue

Hi! Im noticing that when using ARC in offline mode, album artwork is only displaying at lo-res and sometimes not displaying at all. If I have previously listened to an album in ARC when still connected to the server, the artwork seems to be cached at hi res, but all others are either lo res or not available. I would expect ARC to grab the hi res artwork when it is downloading files to the device? Am I doing something wrong? Many thanks!

Describe your network setup

Server and roon on a 2015 macbook pro. Iphone 13 running ARC connected via wifi

Endless story :frowning:

And I’m sure there are others, missing completely or low res or both in different views

Hey @Matt_Robertson2,

Thanks for writing in! Sorry to hear about your issues with album art via Arc.

A few follow-up questions for you:

  1. Are there any patterns with the albums showing lower-resolution cover art? Like date imported, file type, source of import or where they were originally downloaded from, before you imported them to Roon / Arc?

In the meantime, we have a ticket in with Arc development to review this issue, it’s something we’ve since fixed in the past but may very well be a regression of sorts. I can’t confirm this quite yet, but nonetheless, we have a ticket in to investigate further.

We’ll be in touch with any next steps and additional information once the team has had time to review further. Thank you for your patience in the meantime!

thanks - no pattern that I can discern I’m afraid. The only pattern is that if I have clicked on the album once (while connected to the server), it seems to grab the hi res artwork. But if I have not clicked on it, and just download a selection of albums, the artwork will be lo res once I go into offline mode, or sometimes not there at all.

Thanks for that information @Matt_Robertson2 , we’ve noted this in your ticket. We’ll let you know once the team has had a chance to review your case further!

100 percent no covers.

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Yep, it’s a problem. I’m not sure what “offline mode” does, irrespective of whether it’s on or off, album art will disappear when the connection to Roon (cloud/server) is lost. Especially annoying is this also happens with downloaded albums, which were presumably downloaded for times when there’s no internet available (eg, flying).