Changed Cores; Can't access QNAP NAS [Solved - Username + Password needed while adding network watch folder]

I’m not sure how to log in a support issue so here goes. I have recently purchase a new MacBook Pro and have traded in my old MacBook Pro which where the original Core resided. I have installed a new Roon Core on my new MacBook Pro and deauthorized the original core. Thus far I am not able to add music from my NAS. Here is my set up

MacBook Pro 2016 2.7 i7 16GB
OS Sirerra 10.12.1
NAS Qnap T-269 music is stored there Flac file from sooloos
Meridian MS600 endpoint

It was working on my previous set up now cannot add music from my Qnap to my current install of Roon

Note I did make a backup of the Roon folder prior to trading in my machine.

Please walk me through what I need to do to get this up and running.

Thanks in advance !

This is a screenshot from my current MacBook

This is a screenshot from my previous MacBook

did you copy just the roon folder or did you include Roon server folder as I think thats where the issue might be.

suggest you search the how to or FAQ or knowledge base for migrating from one platform to another for folder locations and what to duplicate to where

Hi @Blickman,

I’ve created a new thread for your issue, let’s flag @support to look into it.

This KB page sets out the reccomended procedure for changing the Core to a new computer.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: How to change my organized folder back to the original configuration? [resolved: restore from backup]

Thanks Andy. I followed the recommended procedure from the KB page. One point to add prior to trading in my MacBook Pro I backed up the Roon folder and all of its contents to a external USB drive.

Since you flagged this for support to look into, based on your experience what is the turn around time for a Roon support engineer to engage with my issue? Thanks in advance.

Hi Barry,

I don’t know, but @Eric has looked at the thread so you are on his radar.

Hi @Blickman ---- Thank you again for the report and my apologies for the troubles. Can you please verify for me that you can access the NAS via finder’s Connect To Server feature (under the Go menu) using: smb:// to connect.

Furthermore, here is some information about why you may be receiving the error message: path is already in use.


Hi Eric, Thank you for your quick response. Please walk me through the steps on how I can verify if I can access the NAS via finder, using smb:// to connect. Thanks!

In finder menu select go, then connect to server. Use help in the Mac menus for such guidance too

Eric, I have connected to my NAS see screenshot below. I still cannot add music to Roon.

Hi @Blickman ----- Thank you for following up and confirming that the same IP address (smb:// used in Roon was able to access the NAS outside of the application via finder :+1:

Moving forward, can you verify for me if you are using a username + password to access the drive in Roon when trying to mount the NAS?


Hi Eric, I can confirm I am using a username and password to access my NAS

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Eric, I can verify and confirm using username + password to access drive in roon mounting to NAS

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Hi @Blickman ----- Thank you for confirming that information for me. Due to the fact that the IP address is connecting in finder along with the same username + password but not functioning in Roon, I feel the next step should be to gather logs so our developers can have a look at what may be causing this problem to occur.

I will be contacting you shortly via PM with instructions on how to grab logs and upload them to our servers for review.
