Consistency in Focus, please!

I was informed that the ability to “reverse/inverse” certain focus criteria was removed, i’d suggest they are brought back.

So, i’d like to suggest that Focus should be given a high priority, and made the primary tool for finding selections within our libraries, in a CONSISTENT way…
Allow inversion of every (relevant) criteria!
Allow AND/OR functionality of every (relevant) criteria!

I have two use cases to challenge Focus as it behaves today:

  1. Focus on all of your albums that are in higher resolution than Red Book audio. Good luck! :slight_smile:

  2. Find all your albums in compressed formats that do NOT have duplicates in RedBook or better. And, best of luck again! :smiley:

Roon wants us to Search and Focus to find our desired content, but limits our ability to do so.

Yeah, I don’t get that either. “not a duplicate” seems quite clear and there are more confusing things in Roon. I can’t vote though because of lack of votes


I still want Boolean focus logic. Just one of these days I wanted to construct a focus and couldn’t because this is missing. The current behavior is the most confusing to me because I can’t figure out if/why some things can be inverted and others can’t, and some things can be set to AND/OR and others can’t.


Agree 100%. Can’t vote for it as I am out of votes. Which itself is an issue. I don’t think Roon really wants forum feedback anymore…

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Yes they do want feedback. When voting was introduced, everyone was given a total of 8 votes that could be used. The limit was in order to concentrate our minds on features that we really wanted.

The limit has remained at 8 votes for a long time now. Roon Labs may revisit it at some point I believe, but so far the limit has remained unchanged.

It’s not really. If everyone had a lot/unlimited votes, the most active hundred-or-so forum users would just steamroller the more casual ones who can’t be bothered to cast 100 votes. If everyone spends their few limited votes on their most important things, the statistical outcome for the top requested features won’t be much different.

Hi @James_I,

The number of votes was limited so that people have to make a choice… does this feature warrant being in one’s top [6] features list… if it is then retract the vote for feature that this one will replace.

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Hey guys I respect your position even if I don’t really agree. I see the logic of limiting votes but the result of that is effectively that I’ve applied my votes for items represented as features but most are really not. They are just requests for Roon to complete half-done things. Application security, actually useful user accounts, a database repair tool so that years of work are not lost, and not having an internet dependent app. that sort of thing. I don’t think those are features…not in the same sense of asking for a new screen or function.

(Plus I only count that I had 6 votes).

You can call them features if you’d like, but I’m not sure a parking brake or a trunk are actually features of a car or part of what should be included as a base. Much of what has been attracting votes are items like that, not just add on ideas.

Reasonable minds may differ, but I think the whole voting idea simply diminishes the ability to provide feedback until the current queue of requested stuff is completed and votes replenished, and/or the half done items are finished and actually useful so we can reallocate votes. It would be lovely if Roon only had 8 things to fix or finish.

In terms of desiring feedback, it is pretty telling that feedback was moved from top of the forum to below the fold.

Please add a vote here rather, as this didn’t garner the attentions it deserves.