Crashing on Settings for AirPort Express [no settings to configure - crash fixed for next release]

macOS Sierra, MacBook Pro 15-inch, Mid-2015, 16 GB RAM
Roon Version 1.2, build 161 (stable), 64-bit

When clicking on the Settings icon for an Apple AirPort Express (AirPort4,107), the app crashes and restarts.

Hi David,

Good catch. Happens to me too.

Mac Mini Sierra. Roon Server. Airport Express 2nd Gen.

Let’s call on @support for help.

Cheers, Greg

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Hi @David_Dever ----- Thank you for the report and my apologies for the troubles. I would like to grab some logs from you and will be contacting you momentarily via PM with instructions.


@Greg ---- Thanks for dropping us a flag and confirming the above :sunglasses: :thumbsup:


Support logs sent, error occurs at 3:34:00p EDT. Let me know if you need addl traces.

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Just adding: I can replicate this with an Apple TV3. Clicking on the settings icon (cog wheel) is OK though – Roon crashes immediately after licking ‘Settings’ from the menu that appears after clicking the cog wheel.

Roon @ MacBook Air 11, macOS 10.12. RoonServer @ Linux.

Me too - for a Naim Muso coonected via Airplay

Macbook Air running Sierra

Build 161

Clicking on Settings for a Naim MuSo results in Roon crashing.

But if I click on the gear icon in the Zones pop up, it does not cause Roon to crash

Since upgrading to Sierra Room Server has pretty consistently crashed after a few minutes each time. I am using a MacMini latest version SSD going through Ethernet and Devialet Air 3 beta to a Devialet 400.

I couldn’t figure out what the issue was so I managed to reinstall El Captain today. All is fine as before…

So reading others’ trouble, I believe Sierre should be avoided in similar setups.


Hey guys – in the future, we will be offering additional ways to control and integrate Airplay zones using the forthcoming Roon API.

For now, the Settings icon is being displayed erroneously, and was supposed to be hidden in Build 161. It doesn’t do anything, so for now, just avoid it.


Hi I noticed a glitch with my Ipad App, and PC software as well.

I have 2 different system with 2 different licences in 2 different locations that have the same problem.

System 1, Roon is in I5(4th gen) 8 Gb Ram, wired to a Microrendu, using NAA mode.

System 2 , Roon is in I7 laptop (5th gen) with 8 Gb Ram, wireless connect to my network, endpoint in this case ATV (3rd gen), IPAD mini 4 as remote.

Everything works flawlessly, both system.

If I go to Settings-Audio-then try access the setting sub menu of a Networked endpoint (both cases Airplay), Roon crashes (IPAD and Windows same behaviour).

When using the IPAD as remote only the IPAD app crashes the main software keeps on working.

That settings icon was not supposed be present yet:

For now, just leave it alone. :slight_smile:

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Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.