Daily Mixes - Feedback on the selection and content

Slightly off topic, but I’m really enjoying the Tidal Mixes - now readily accessible through Roon. Different concept - numbered mixes which gradually evolve and change, but have human curated songs (somehow - assume the songs are hand selected but then an algorithm selects the ones it thinks you will like).

It’s been a bit more successful at introducing me to new music - there might be a bit more range there. I wonder if there’s something which might be worth considering there - or perhaps its just a matter of the dataset getting larger.


There isn’t enough mix in these at all. Keep seeing mixes based on the same primary artist too many times. Given up using it.


I find I get a little bit of artist repeats but for the most part we listen to some of them more often than others but the other mixes bring an interesting mix of new material too.

I have been getting a lot of repeats of primary artist too. Even though the content changes underneath, it feels uninspired.

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Roon Core Machine

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Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

John Williams’ playlist, which you have on MY homepage today, is a mishmash of John Williams the guitarist, and John Williams the composer/conductor (which is what it is SUPPOSED to be, as per the picture at its header)… PLEASE fix this, its quite embarrassing.

I got this mix today again. All tracks are by CSN from the album “Daylight Again” and also incorrectly credited to “The Stills”.

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Each and every virtually the same mixes. “Focused” artist changes, but the content stays about the same. Same combination of artists, same narrow selection of albums.

Basically it’s Roon Radio’s slightly reheated corpse. Same old story: loads of hype, zero delivery.

Shame on you, Roon team.


Feedback - Having more in the Playlist description to include the primary genre would be helpful in addition to the included artists. Maybe 25% of the Playlists could be Genre focused or Album focused. Playlist based on XYZ Album. It would include the picks from that album and then other related artists.

Hello again @zenyatta80.

Thank you for the heads up here. This is another metadata equivalence error from one our metadata providers. The Stills are being associated with Stephen Stills of CSNY. I’ll get to work on this.

Hey @Frank_Daman

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Do you happen to remember which of your daily mixes exhibited near identical content? I’d like to investigate this.

there’s a solution to this. :slight_smile:

Picture is worth a thousand words.


Love it :+1:

All of them, @jamie. Each and every day.

Please note that by “same” I don’t mean identical. I mean that the mixes cycle through some six to ten artists. Tracks seldom span more than four or five albums per mix and almost never include more than one album of each included artist.

An example: almost daily I see a mix in the vein of “Black Sabbath Mix, featuring Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Alice Cooper (Band) and more”. Next day, it goes “Led Zeppelin mix, featuring Black Sabbath, Deep Purple etc”. Day after that it goes “Jimi Hendrix mix, featuring Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple”

Same for other genres, rehashing the same narrow selection on and on and on, just like Roon Radio.


Yes, this is a metadata problem at the provider level.

While waiting for a fix at the source, you can apply the workaround solution found here:

I want it to be able to select music from my local library, not just sub services.

I find I rarely get a “new” playlist. Pretty much they are all duplicates. This is not comprehensive. I don’t visit Daily Mixes every day and I don’t save them all. But I am up to my 6th Belle & Sebastian. BTW, because of the duplicates can the playlist filename not include a date stamp?

But that still doesn’t answer the question as to why this mix contains tracks from a single artist and album.

Daily Mixes continue to be great for me.

My Leprous mix from this morning was suitably proggy and djenty with clean vocals and my Royal Thunder mix was stuffed with what is often uncharitably called ‘hipster metal’. I literally cannot complain.

As an aside, this feature made me swap TIDAL for Qobuz because the former seems to feature a large amount of lossy AAC and this blind spot seems particularly bad for some of my favourite music.

Sadly there is a lot of AAC in the metal genre.
I have mostly purged it from my library as I could always tell it was playing and the crushed ranges stood out.
I am getting too many repeat playlists at the moment. But occasionally I get an absolute gem.
Don’t get me wrong I have about 40 saved now for day’s when I am being lazy