Difficulties updating ROCK after install

hello everyone. I installed Roon rock. Now Codecs are required . downloaded it from here John Van Sickle - FFmpeg Static Builds. I downloaded ffmpeg-release-amd64-static. tar and unpacked it. as a result, the version of Roon optimized core kit 1.7 (build 571) is being pulled up, and version 1.8 is required. The question is, where can I get the necessary Codecs for 1.8?

Hello @ALEXEY_FEDYAEV , welcome.
I’m not following you when you say rock 571 is being pulled up. Rock OS is currently on 227 (that’s the OS - it’s different from Roon server). However, if your Roonserver is out if date, you can download the latest via the Roon download site and keep following the links.

Furthermore, installing the codecs just entails a copy to the data directory, as described here.

(You need only copy the ffmpeg file as illustrated above)

Finally, the codecs needed are not different for 1.8; those you have downloaded are fine.

If I have misunderstood, or you still have problems, can you post a screenshot of the Rock web interface?


Ok, you don’t have a problem with the codecs. Instead you’re having trouble contacting Roon’s update servers.

Can you try rebooting everything?

If that doesn’t work can you post a full description of your setup - how everything is communicating? Use this link as a guide.

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I tried to enable diagnostics on your account, but it doesn’t look like any ROCK device is communicating with our servers from your account.

To start, can you try reinstalling the OS from the Web UI, and then reboot?

After that, if you’re still seeing trouble, can you give us some details on your network setup?


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I wanted to check in and see if you had a chance to try the steps suggested by Dylan? Can we help with anything at all?

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