Dynamic Range - switching it on?

Hi, regarding displaying Dynamic Range, is it done automatically or do I have to set it manually. I have changed it to ON in the settings menu but only albums I have downloaded myself seems to get a value. Are there limitations on albums from TIDAL by any chance. Or should change settings elsewhere also.

Regards Martin Kaup
WIN10 Home edition, CHROME browser

DR values are only shown for local albums, not streaming. The documentation says otherwise but either the documentation is wrong or there is a bug.

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Hi Suedkiez, thank you for yor reply.

But I find it strange that ROON don’t mention that in their techmail.

Thanks again.
Regards Martin

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It’s a mistake somewhere as noted in the linked thread and in the older thread that I linked from there

DR is for you own files not for streaming as Roon cannot analyse streaming content to determine the DR. This has always been the case nothing has changed here. Where is the documentation that implies it’s for streaming as well?

In the Mastery Series:

As reported here:

The help page could do with explicitly stating that DR is NOT shown for streaming albums because the fact that it doesn’t make it clear caused some occasional confusion in posts:

I noted this here but nobody bothered to fix Mastery and clarify Help:

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That’s tenuous really it doesn’t say it does, it’s just an assumption, they are grouping all features under versions but they don’t apply to all versions. Needs a subtext * to say local only I guess. But I have never interpreted otherwise because I know they can’t analyse them as they are protected files, reason they can’t cache loads of them and I suspect reading them in the manor required is against t&c with services.

It says that it groups streaming versions under Versions and that this lets you compare DR among other things. It’s at least misleading. And fact is that repeatedly there are threads (like this current one!) by people confused by this and by the help page not saying that it applies only to local albums. So it should be clarified.

That’s because you know your stuff, not everone does. And that Roon can’t doesn’t mean that the streaming providers can’t - after all they provide volume leveling info as well. It’s not at all clear without a lot of pre-existing knowledge on the user’s part

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True, I agree it needs better wording or a subtext. Roons never noted for its adequate documentation. They need to have some QA on this from somebody who knows the product better than the marketing lot.

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Closely looking at the screenshots in Roon‘s KB article, you can even see that there is no dynamic range info for streaming content, see following excerpt…

And when writing a whole article about it, it still wouldn’t hurt to write explicitly “Note: this only works for local files”. Because one might not look closely at a screenshot and people misunderstand all the time. In particular now with the Mastery article muddying it up even further


I’m just trying to reduce the polarized narrative, given all available facts.
Nevertheless, I’d also very much appreciate streaming content dynamic range info, and that’s why I built my own DR Metering Bridge.


Which is presumably the whole point (if there is any useful one) of the whole “Mastery Series” stuff: To acquaint folks who DON’T know how all Roon features work. If we’re all supposed to infer the meaning of these little gems from what we already do know about how all the features work, then…well…Seriously??

I certainly hope someone was denied a 5-star Quarterly Review (or had their Valued Employee Award Etsy giftcard revoked or whatever) over this piece off crummy, misleading copy. Okay, just kidding. But this was annoying; I suspected this was wrong, but I went ahead and spent time poking around to see if some magic had taken place…

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Sorry for the confusion @martin_kaup! We just updated the Mastery Series and our Help Center documentation to clarify that Dynamic Range is only shown for local albums that have been analyzed. I’ve also gone ahead and marked Suedkiez’s reply as the solution for this thread.


Thank you for clarifying the materials!

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