Export hanging Roon. Partially weird solution

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

ROCK NUC715 610

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)


Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Many, not important to this issue

Description Of Issue

Exporting playlists hangs Roon on first file but will export if I play briefly every track in the playlist before initiating export. If I play half the tracks, only half will export before hanging Roon.

Hello @Andy_Jones, and thanks for your report! Are you experiencing this issue when using one remote in particular or any remote?

I’m having a similar problem running an NUC Rock exporting to a Mac Pro.

Yes, same problem with a MacBook Air.

Hello @Andy_Jones, thanks for your patience while I discussed your report with the team!
Our QA team is currently investigating this and similar reports related to exporting with Mac. We can’t provide any specific timelines just yet, but we’ll be sure to follow up as soon as we have more information.

Thanks for letting me know you are working on it. I have successfully exported several large playlists by clicking play on each track and playing for a couple of seconds before exporting. Hopefully that information could help them track down the problem.

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Any news on this. It’s a feature I would like to be able to use.

I am having same issue here with IMac. I sue ROCK as roon core.
It has been issue on going since a few months ago and why Roon is ignoring us about this issue This is really disappointing

Completely agree. It seems this must be an incredibly difficult problem to fix or they don’t care. It might be worth starting another thread because support don’t seem to be contributing much here.

Any news on this long outstanding issue?

Roon just doesn’t seem to think this is important. They have known about it for 9 months and have not fixed it:

Has this issue been resolved? I am still having issues exporting my playlists, where Roon hangs forever and I have to force quit the application

Not as far as I know. It clearly has little priority for Roon.

Our latest release includes a number of changes to exporting including the ability to export non-library content, a new Soundiiz option, and a number of bug fixes. Please see our release notes for details:

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