Export hangs with spinning circle but no error message

Roon Core Machine

QNAP TVS-671 with QTS and 16 GByte of RAM;
There are 5 x 6 TByte (WD red plus) disks in RAID-1 where the music is stored and one Samsung SSD 850 Pro 256 GByte where the RoonServer and Database is installed
ROON 1.8 (build 850) stable
QPKG-Version : 2021-10-03

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Router: FRITZ!Box 6591 Cable, GBit Switch: Netgear ProSAFE JGS524PE, Wifi: FRITZ!Repeater 3000 (connected via Ethernet to the Router); Windows 10 Notebook conntected via Ethernet as remote

Connected Audio Devices

LINN NG Klimax System Hub (KSH3), connected via Ethernet

Number of Tracks in Library

when starting the export: just 36.579 tracks
(had deactivated the other media folders, normally appr. 350.000 tracks)

Description of Issue

Starting Export with my Roon Remote Version 1.8 (build 831 stable) (64 Bit) running on windows 10; tried it both exporting albums as well as artists (folling screen shot shows exporting artists); select some artists, start export, some tracks are exported, then export hangs after some exported tracks (between 8 and up to 270), no error message, just stopped exporting and spinning circle, this situation lasts for several hours:

deleting the export job and restarting doesn’t help, cannot export the album / track where the system got stuck anymore; but after closing the ROON remote on my Windows 10 machine and restarting and creating a new export job I can export the album where the previous export job stopped - but this new export job gets stucked also somewhere else after 8 to 270 tracks …

downloaded the logfiles at the moment when the screenshot above was taken, you can find “download_2021-11-13_11-31-38.zip” in Dropbox - Roon - Simplify your life


Hello @noris ,
may be this issue is related to Roon stopping randomly - #105 by noris

What I did therefore:

I forced a backup:

Afterwards started a maintenance of my entire library


Started the Export again

Export stopped after some minutes at track nr 30, keeps spinning:

CPU activity was low for some minutes during export, then went to sleep:

Disk activity stopped also after some minutes:

Memory usage was never above 64%.

Downloaded Logfile “download_2021-11-20_12-48-56.zip” and stored in the DropBox above


Hello @support, PLEASE HELP - thx!

Hey @fschmeis ,

These issues may very well be related to your other thread, please see my thoughts there:

Hello @noris , I installed the Roon server on my notebook, Win 10, i7, 16 GByte RAM; the exports runs like a charm …

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Thanks for testing that @fschmeis . That further confirms that there is some issue with the previous Core. If the Win 10 works as expected, I suggest to keep using that one.

Hello @noris , thx for coming back to this issue!

I am not yet 100% convinced that my QNAP has a technical resp. HW defect, in particular as the export just stopps without any error message, there was no problem with the mem test, same with many days of disk i/o tests, no other appliction has problems … nevertheless I will move the core somewhere else as I have struggled now for many years running Roon on my QNAP …

running the core on my Win10 Notebook with appr. 40 thousand tracks is just a test, this notebook is owned by the company I am working for, therefore I had to take a decision with regard to: which NUC, which operating system, where to place the NUC …

Update: Just ordered a NUC10i7FN with 1 TByte SSD and 32 GByte and will install ROCK, will place it downstairs in the network cabinet and hopefully

  • the device will be capable to handly my entire library of appr. 400.000 tracks stored on the QNAP and
  • I will never need any technical assistance again as the NUC and Rock will keep itself up to date … :smiley:
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