Forum poll. What kind of speakers do you have? What do you like about them?

Home built ‘Pencil’ cabinets housing Mark Audio Pluvia 11 full range drivers hard wired to the amp. Every time I listen to them I marvel at how a single 11 cm driver can deliver such sonorous bass and sparking highs at the same time. Review of kit built version here:

Took me a while to finish them as I damn near severed my right index finger with the table saw mid build!


I have a pair of B&W 707 S2 bookshelf speakers. They’re great, to say they defy their diminutive size would be a huge understatement. With the space I have available I don’t think there is anything I would rather have, at any budget…

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Your vintage holdovers from 1978, 1976 and “late 60’s” make my Meridian DSP5000.2 (active) speakers purchased in 2003 seem downright youthful:


VMPS RM30 Series 2. I like the detail provided by the mid range ribbon driver and they image quite well. I have owned since new in 2006 and may look for another pair in case parts are ever needed. With Brian Cheney’s (who was VMPS) passing in 2012 no neopanels are available is a downside.

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DIY open baffles:

  • woofer 2 x Eminence A15
  • mid PHL 2520
  • high AMT ESS V1
  • 3 way active filtering + room correction in Roon

What I like:

  • cost <1500€/pair
  • open baffle better adapted to my large and resonant room than closed speakers

Still some work to do on the fine tuning of filters + speaker placement


Nice. Using a multichannel DAC? If so, which?

Exasound E28, 8 channel DAC. No preamp, using Roon DSP volume control (no audible difference with Exasound “hardware” volume control, but more convenient).

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Very nice.

Forgot to ask - amplification?

DIY BLH. Fullrange driver Sonido SFR-200A.

Passive. I love this acoustics very much. Photos from my friend’s furniture workshop where these columns were collected.


Woofer and mids : Class D Audio SDS 470 4 channel
Highs : cheap 50€ Smsl SA-50 for now

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My home theater room…



Very cool :+1: :clap: :sunglasses:
What is the sensitivity of your DIY dipoles?

Mids and Highs are around 100dB/2,83V/1m. Pair or woofers about 5dBs less at 95dB, compensated by a higher gain on the woofer amp.

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Nice :+1:
Is there a reason why you don’t use SET flea watts? :thinking:
At the very least on the mid-treble? Like a nice 2A3 or a 45?
It doesn’t always have to be the much hyped 300b :shushing_face:

Dutch & Dutch 8c

Love the full range with great bass and mid range.


Abacus A10
BS node2, Tentlabs dac -functioning as preamp too.

I run Vandersteen Quatro CT’s powered by PS Audio BHK Pre and Mono 300’s. Roon runs through my PS Audio PerfectWave DirectStream DAC.

Active Genelec 8361A here . Had the DD8C before .


How do you find the effectiveness of the iFi AC purifiers? I also have 2 the same but honestly couldn’t say they made any difference to my ears.