Gato PRD a Roon Ready device is not recognized as "certified"


I have recently acquired a Gato PRD-3s with the network kit. When I enable it as a “Roon Ready” device it works, but shows up in the Roon App as “uncertified”.

I am concerned that this will be an issue when Roon “blocks” Roon Ready devices.


Hi @David_Russell, do you have an uncertified banner as shown in this post?
Uncertified Roon Ready devices announcement

If so you need to apply for a developer exemption as outlined here: A fix for Uncertified Roon Ready devices

If your device shows as uncertified in Roon it might be worth enquiring why. Both Roon’s website: and Gato’s: suggest it’s Roon ready still.

Thanks @killdozer,

I’m “sort of” seeing that banner.

If I recall, my banner says “Uncertified” and then something about contacting the manufacturer.

I have already spoken with Gato and they don’t know why I am seeing this as their unit is certified.

I’ll grab a screen shot tonight.

Roon and the MacOS are up-to-date as is the Gato firmware. Additionally, both the Gato and the Mac/Roon Server are connected via Ethernet.

Your device is listed as Roon Ready so you shouldn’t see this message. Don’t worry Roon support will assist you.

I’ve asked for your post to be moved to #support.

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Thanks for your help.

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Hello @David_Russell, and thanks for your report! Could you please try updating the firmware for the Gato and giving your system a reboot, then let me know if the message goes away?

The firmware is current. I have confirmed this with Gato

Hello @David_Russell, did you also reboot your system? I’d recommend giving everything a quick reboot and see if the status remains.

Yes, several times. Still…

Hello @David_Russell, our team enabled diagnostics for your account so we could take a look at what the device was reporting when it was attached. From what we’re seeing, it’s reporting an incorrect model string that points to a firmware issue. Could you please try installing mConnect Control for android or iOS then checking for a firmware update from that app? Thanks!

Unless there has been a firmware update in the last week, I have already confirmed with Gato that it is current.

But, I will check again.

According to the app, Firmware is the latest version.

Hello @David_Russell, and thanks for checking that! I let our QA know that the app reported you were on the latest firmware. We’re going to mention this issue to Gato and would appreciate it if you could do the same!

Hello Nuwriy,

As I have mentioned, I have already been in contact with Gato.

That being said, I relayed your last message to them and they sent me some instructions on how to perform some sort of reset. That appears to have solved the issue.

Hello @David_Russell, I’m glad things are working again! Please let us know if you have any further issues.

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