Help starting roon

There was an issue loading your database is the message I get when I open roon. I can not move from that screen. Help

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Hi @john_schmidt — Sorry for the trouble here.

We can help you resolve this error. Are you able to access your database and zip up the Logs folder for us?

If you can zip up that folder and send us a Dropbox link, we can get a sense of what’s gone wrong here. If you can’t access the database, or if you don’t have anywhere to upload the Zip file, just let us know. We’ll walk you through the next steps here so we can figure out what’s gone wrong.

Thanks in advance for your patience, and sorry again for the trouble here.

How do you flag @support?

You just did.:grin:

I do not have dropbox


Can you first zip up the files and rename the zip file to include your user name. Then, head over to our file uploader and log in using "alpha" (no quotes) for both user name and password.

Upload the zip file and be sure to let us know here, then we can take a look. Thanks!

I can not find the folder either

Hi @john_schmidt,

Please see instructions below for Windows. If you’re using a different type of Core just let me know what kind and I’ll send instructions for that as well! They’re all also in the link I shared above.

  1. Open Windows Explorer
  2. Click in the address area to the right of the text, to make it active like typing in a web browser, and type %localappdata%
  3. Find and open the Roon folder

I think I found it by searching for roon. Nothing showed up with %localappdata%. It is going to take 4 hours to upload. Any other way to fix this?

I uninstalled all the folders and reinstalled roon and now it seems to be working.