I wonder what's going to be in 1.6?

Maybe they have hairy feet

In the UK, we have National Elf Insurance…


i wonder if there’s going to be any Christmas present…

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I’ll try not to cry if there isn’t one :cry: :cry: I have my new speakers to keep me warm :joy:

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Have you retro fitted them with valves? :thermometer:

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@Bill_Janssen Not to belabor the point but I am a pensioner and thus can’t count on dollar-cost averaging and regular income to invest in order to keep me whole! Anyway, back to the thread, a Roon update would make me smile! :smile:

@Mike_O_Neill I was in South Africa earlier this year and couldn’t believe how much a dollar could buy. The rand has been pummeled. Anyway, one of the best things about South Africa is sitting in my living room lashed to Roon: Vivid Oval 1.5 speakers, proudly made in Durban.

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Bitcoin? At least with day-old newspapers one can wrap their fish and chips! :wink:

Apologies for being flip about it. Having to sell shares in a declining market to pay the gas bill is a bad feeling.

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Agreed. There are still many bugs that have just been ignored.

Not ignored, they just haven’t made it up to wards the top of the priority list yet.

Define the focus you want, save this as a bookmark, then hit Play or Shuffle. For Play, you can control the sequence by sort order in the bookmark. This is not exactly the same as a playlist, you can control sequence to whatever you want in a playlist, but in a “smart playlist” the sequence will be whatever it is anyway, right?

I know people want Boolean logic for complex queries, but Roon’s default is in fact the same combination of AND and OR that you chose. Not a coincidence, that is a very reasonable combination. You wouldn’t want FLAC AND ALAC since there are none.

The default with Roontages unfortunately is OR. That is where the issue comes in for me.

My understanding is, tre default is OR within a category (like format) but AND between categories (like year and format).

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In my case, the illustration above, FLAC by itself is 3564 albums, OR AIFF adds 14 albums, but when I add the 2018 constraint, the result set shrinks to 175 because that is an AND operation across two categories. If 2018 was OR’d, the result set would grow.

One more “crazy” thing: Create a playlist in which each song only plays the time we determined (EG 2 MINUTES).

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Probably priority list is too big. I really don’t get why this bug is still ignored:
Font display issue on newer iPads [known issue, working on it]. It’s quite noticeable. I cannot also count a number of other bugs and gave up on reporting them - without any bug tracking it’s a waste of time.

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As a said before bug reports are not ignored, so it’s definitely not a waste of time reporting.

The bug you are referencing was acknowledged by Roon staff, and there will be a ticket for it.

It seems the issue you have is that you don’t have the fix yet… and given a finite amount of development resources… that comes back to Roon setting their priorities.

It’s the same with any software company… a degree of understanding, acceptance and patience is required.

Much as people wish we can’t have everything now.

Sorry, but I’m working in a software development company. If we have a bug report from customer I cannot even imagine that we won’t give him a timeframe for bugfix or tell him “we have a finite number of development resources”. This is ok for open source, but not for commercial software. I’m fine to wait for a fix but I want to know how much to wait. The bug mentioned above is reported at August 2017 and we are near 2019 - it’s unacceptable. And I encounter bugs that were reported by other people several years ago - like empty history. So we are definitely have a problem with QA or something else.


Going back to that topic, Mike stated Roon’s position …

You may not the like reply, but you did get one …