I'm having issues accessing Roon services or Tidal / Qobuz / KKBOX after the latest update (build 1382) [See Staff Post - Manual Fix Avaliable]

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I would like to request for support to solve the known issue where Roon on certain devices no longer can connect to streaming services like Qobuz and Live Radio. Also the search function is not working 'Can't connect to Roon Search'.

Thank you for your investigation and the clear summary about this issue. I understand that the issue was caused after the updated version of RoonServer.

Roon is installed on my Audio Aan Zee Reference Flow music server / streamer. This server is running on Linux.

My Roon Server is version 2.0 build 1382. Remote is the app on my phone and this is version 2.0 build 1378.

The question is how I can go back to the prior network connectivity method. If any additional information is needed just let me know.

Thank you in advance for your support.