In-app Advertising in a Paid Product is Unwelcome and Inappropriate

Just give it time! :innocent:


Oh I’m sure today will end up like every other day and go to heck in a Handbasket tout suite!

I meant to give time to the ads to became a bigger worry. It was not in my intention at all to even marginally and/or jokingly suggest a bad day (I’m not a native English speaker)!

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Sorry for my misunderstanding!
However ads in Roon are still pretty near the bottom of my concerns list.

Just my opinion as everyone is entitled to.

Have a blessed day!


Roon works very hard as far as I can tell to continue to make the system and user experience as good as it can be. Just feels like a poor judgement call to think that an ad was a good idea. All the hard work to keep moving the system forward and so easy to move backwards with a move like this.

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Ads like this make me wonder a few things:

  1. Are new devices coming and Roon needs to sell inventory?
  2. Are sales missing forecast and an incentive was needed?
  3. Does the Marketing Department know their customers? Did they do any research to determine how the pop-up would be perceived?
  4. How was the discount pricing determined? In my opinion it wasn’t low enough.

I am curious to know how many sales the pop-up generated.

This one’s easy: these ads are the research!


You pay for Apple TV or Amazon and they advertise their shows to you. You pay $1,200+ for an iPhone and Apple make a billion $ a year forcing you to see adds in the App store and forces adds for its premium services to you.

Annoys me but with Roon you see it once so far and you cry about the invasion to your paid services.


Did we get an answer from Roon? Maybe it was just a test.

But I agree, the deal is itself not worth it and the Nucleus is a dead product, given all the alternatives available. Pretty sure it will be discontinued next month or before the end of the year.

I’m anti-ad, I used internet for many years with ads, I even have anti-anti-Adblocks as many here. But on the other hand, I have difficulty to understand some reactions, we just need an hashtag “Roonadgate” and we’ll be relieved.

I believe it’s just to clear inventory.

“ Roon Labs reserves the right to display advertisements on your content unless you have purchased an Ad-free Upgrade or a Services account.”

I was surprised and annoyed at the ad, as a lifetime licensee, and what, am I supposed to buy something else to avoid an ad, IN ADDITION to the lifetime license. Roon is surely facing threats and pressure from Apple and Amazon, they don’t need pi$$ off their own subscribers.

I vote for them to knock it off as well.


I guess, tho, it’s trivial for me. Maybe not for you. It’s really in how one responds to things.

A driver cuts me off in traffic. I can shrug it off or I can get angry and speed up next to them and yell and scream. Will it make a difference? Will it make me feel better?

I’m not saying I’m so Gandhi-like that I don’t sweat all the small stuff, but I have learned that my state of mind is better and I’m much happier when I let a lot of things go.


The Roon iPhone app continues to crash, landscape mode is unavailable, switching between light and dark mode is required for certain features to function. Why not spend development time fixing known bugs for your dedicated users rather than ridiculous in-app advertising for paid subscription?

This is a very bad decision. I was just having a discussion with a friend that introduced me to Roon about 16 months ago. The issue here goes much deeper for me than just having in-app advertising. it shows me that the company does not have their priorities straight. Very disappointed in the management team at Roon for thinking this was a good idea.


A post was split to a new topic: The Roon iPhone app continues to crash

I have been a paying subscriber to Pandora for the last ten years and I have never experienced a commercial or ad. Just saying…

Might be different if Pandora made a streaming radio they were trying to sell.

Roon, Will you be offering support counseling for those impacted? In the meantime, I will be self-medicating with a bargain Malbec from the Mendoza Province. Cheers!


Roon could send an email to all subscribers asking kindly to buy Nucleus because they made too many of them and they are dissappointed that Nucleus devices don’t sell themselves well enough.
I’ve seen them and talked to the sales guy at a show and was interested, eventually bought an Antipodes because a friend of mine also has one and to teel the truth, I am not so interested anymore in Nucleus because commercials make me kind of suspecious. A friend of mine told me that good products don’t need advertisement.
I thougt that Nucleus was a good product for a good price. Why doesn’t it sell so easily and needs this kind of advertisement that appearently bothers most people?

Right now, it does not seem like the end of the world because it takes one click to make the add disappear. But one must wonder why Roon did it this way whilst it would have been just as effective to inform us via the community page. This reminds me of a time when the iTunes player was one of the better music players available, and then one evening, following an update, the cover flow was gone. That’s when I realized that, slowly but surely, iTunes had or was becoming a platform to buy stuff rather than a player. I then moved to Roon which offered a sleek environment designed to enhance the music libraries of audiophiles. Back then, Roon was recommended by independent manufacturers - the feeling was that I was joining a community where the common denominator was the passion of music. I’m not saying that this has disappeared but there is now a burgeoning concern that Roon is, slowly but surely, moving to a place where the passion is overtaken by a corporate/marketing mentality. I have heard about how Roon has estranged independent manufacturers with the “Roon Ready” requirements, and now it’s the advent of adds popping up directly in the software where (indeed), having paid an expensive life time subscription, I would have thought that my player would be free from the lure of the mercantile. Roon is obviously a business and should be run to maximize its ability to continue the development of its products but… @Roon, please … do not forget why you started this adventure in the first place, … the passion of music.


No it would not. Only a very small percentage of Roon users actually visit these pages. Much less than a few percent (given 250,000+ users) I believe depending upon which timeframe you look at.
Site stats:

Email….we all have email accounts……