I’m just wondering, did all these people choose to go earlyaccess or did it just happen without their knowledge?
I’m one of these people. I set up my core, my iOS remotes, and didn’t bother with my Mac or Fire HD10 because they didn’t show any issues until today when my core went to 1155. Just didn’t read everything and didn’t notice. The Mac was a piece of cake to update once I read the instructions (wouldn’t have found my way there without help) and the HD10 I don’t now know how to update, but I’ll hold off on that. I think it’s funny considering myself, but there’s a lot of folks in earlyaccess now who may or may not be up for the hiccoughs entailed. This one is entirely on us (tho to me it’s quite understandable how it happened and it’s pretty easy to recover from). But at some point the folks in earlyaccess are going to find a bug before general release gets it, and those are gonna be rough days with folks wondering what they signed up for. It’ll shake out eventually.
I was an early tester of ARC. I’ve been on the early access version, and ARC, since its inception.
this morning and most of today the mobile app was working fine.
this evening I received the error message shown above.
I recognize that you’re frustrated, but there have been a number of clear instructions for how to deal with this given above. I’m not a staff member, I’m not a moderator, I’m some guy who’s sympathetic to your plight, but if you don’t help us with details based on the guidance we give you, then we can’t help you.
The following instructions for getting earlyaccess on iOS are quoted below. I can’t explain how, if your iOS devices were on early access they are no longer, but somehow you fell into the same issue the rest of us did. If it’s your remotes only that are not on earlyaccess and your core is on build 1155 earlyaccess, this should fix things for you. If for whatever reason your remote is on earlyaccess and your core is on production, then you’ll need to follow the instructions here for each device until it’s on early access (or if you want out, you’ll have to follow the instructions to get each core & remote back to production). Good luck, please report back on what you did and what transpires and if this doesn’t work, someone will surely be happ to try and help.
Details on getting iOS devices onto
(follow on each device):
- Download and install TestFlight on your iOS device
- Enroll in Roon testing by clicking this link: Join the Roon Remote beta - TestFlight - Apple
- Enroll in Roon ARC testing by clicking this link: Join the Roon ARC beta - TestFlight - Apple
Installed now also the earlyaccess iOS remote versions via Testflight (links see solution) and it works again. OP issue solved. Thanks everyone!
Thing to note is that until yesterday the production iOS remote versions (and, as it seems from this thread, Android, too) worked with an earlyacess Roon Core. These happy days are over… EDIT: It could be more cleary written in the docs by Roon. And then: RTFM. A classic
That was the case. My system is still on 1149 (not 1148) with production remotes. Was any notification given of this new requirement to be on EA end to end?
I may be totally wrong, but it looks to me like build 1155, which was an earlyaccess release, got pushed out to some people who did not request early access. That would explain all of the confusion and the reason they knew nothing about Test Flight and needing to update their Roon Remote apps using Test Flight.
Or else, a lot of people updated their core to the early access 1155 version without seeing or reading the instructions about Test Flight and updating their Roon Remotes.
How about Windows/Android? I have a similar problem, and the solutions above seem to all be iOS centric…
Thanks for any help! My Core is working fine, as are my PCs accessing it. It’s just my phone with the issue…
Can I downgrade to the production version of the android app? I haven’t figured out how to do that yet.
Same here.
I think the issue is we have used testflight for Arc but i’ve never had it for use with standard Roon.
Did Roon say we’re launching a test version of Roon and for existing testers to download Roon within Testflight or did I miss that ?
I have woken up this morning to exactly the same issue on all my IOS devices (2 iPads & my iPhone)
I already have Test Flight installed, as I was an early tester of ARC. This means that every time I try to reactivate Test flight it takes me straight to ARC so I have no way of applying the fix detailed above!!
So I currently have my ROCK server software on 2.0(build 1155) early access, and both my IPads and iPhone on 2.0 (build 1148) production!
The problem for me seems to be that, as I already signed up for ARC testing, I cannot use Test Flight in the way outlined by @mike above?! Am I missing something?
Sorry Mike, but I seem to be missing something here.
I have woken up this morning to exactly the same issue on all my IOS devices (2 iPads & my iPhone)
I already have Test Flight installed, as I was an early tester of ARC. This means that every time I try to reactivate Test flight it takes me straight to ARC so I have no way of applying the fix detailed you have detailed!
So I currently have my ROCK server software on 2.0(build 1155) early access, and both my IPads and iPhone on 2.0 (build 1148) production!
The problem for me seems to be that, as I already signed up for ARC testing, I cannot use Test Flight in the way outlined by you?! Am I missing something?
You need - additionally to ARC - to use the testflight / earlyaccess versions of the Roon App on your iOS devices. You get them by going here. It will prompt you that there’s already a version of Roon installed (the production version). Confirm the message and it will install a version of Roon, that is compatible with your Roon Core.
Hi Philipp. Many thanks, that worked. I hope that Roon soon get there act together to sort out this seeming mismatch between those running early access and production versions of Roon software😏.
Erm - there are likely to be mismatches between Early Access and Production builds; that’s the whole point of Early Access - new functionality being tested in the EA group.
The key is to ensure that all your devices and the Core are either a) running EA builds if you are in the EA group or b) running Production (Stable) builds if you are not in the EA group…
Hi Geoff, with respect, the high number of posts above, from people who were also caught out by this until a fix was pointed out, would indicate that all is not well with the process! I signed up for the ARC early access and followed the process as it developed, I have not signed up for any other early access projects so my system is updated automatically (and i download updates of Roon Remote as they become available) so I have no real way of knowing that there might be a mismatch between my early access and production versions. Perhaps it would be better if those who had been on the ARC EA, but no longer wish to be involved in future EA projects could request to be put back to the latest production versions of Roon on all their devices. Maybe there is a process that I am unaware of ?
With respect, those who have signed up to early access should be aware of what they are signing up to…
This article also outlines how to leave the EA program and revert to the Production builds.
Also if all versions of Roon Remote need to be earlyaccess versions to communicate with a Roon Core earlyaccess Build, how does it need to work for 1.8 Legacy versions, as these are Production1x status?
Is 1.8 Legacy going to be issued at earlyaccess status so these versions can communicate with Roon Core at earlyaccess, or can the access rules be updated to include 1.8 Legacy Production1x versions?
I also didn’t make sure that all my remotes were on early access, and I got confused. Roon did post clear (to me, once I read them) instructions. They are in the link I quoted above. You need all versions of core and remote to match, all production or all earlyaccess. Because all of us have different combinations of device types, you have to read the above for each device type. This is a somewhat manual process to get in, and a manual process to get out. I’m not sure how to make it simpler than “read these detailed instructions and follow them carefully”, as that is what I did. It’s true, there are some steps that need to be customized - if you’ve already got TestFlight on an iOS device you don’t need to install it again. The Microsoft instructions are in there too.
If you’re in any other testing programs, these types of steps are normal, and if you’re not they’ll be new.
I’m trying very hard to be sympathetic and I’ll be happy to try to help those with specific configurations and issues… and I’m sure others will as well. But at this point, the likely answer will be some form of “did you do what it said in the instructions”.
Resolved by following instructions to leave Early Access and revert core to Production version - took 5 minutes to complete
EA is for Roon version 2.0 and beyond. It is NOT for Roon 1.8 Legacy.
If people are running 1.8 Legacy, they should not sign up for EA.