Inconsistency with Improve Feature Between Qobuz and Tidal Playlists (ref#5YQ0A0)

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The improve feature works with Qobuz, but not with Tidal playlists

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Server on the Qnap, playing with Naim Atom Uniti

Playlist improver seems to work well with Qobuz playlists, but nit with Tidal playlists. After improving a Tidal playlist it keeps coming back with the same improvements.

Please post some screenshot examples, doing so will help Roon support investigate.

Hey @Hans_Toutenhoofd,

Thanks for the report! @Carl is correct - could you please share some specific examples that would help our team take a closer look. :+1:

Screenshot’s won’t help. The button “Improve” says with a Tidal playlist that there are 75 improvements. After saving the improvements that disapearse for a short while. But than the 75 improvements come back at the button “Improve”. Someone else posted the same in the Topic “Playlist improver: Feedback Thread”. Post number 68.

Before I forget, the “Improver” is a great utility. Great to have your playlists updated to the best quality. And it will be even greater when it also works for Tidal playlists.

There are either/or choices with improver which are circular. If you say yes to Improving the files one way, then, they will fit for improving them another.

Example, resolution vs local. If you say yes to update 75 files to a streaming version for resolution sake, you will then get the option to Improve back to local files. why? because for some, like me, my local files which may be of a lesser resolution will actually sound better than the “higher resolution” streaming files due to mastering (mastering always is more important than resolution). So, the choice become circular. And there is no way to “lock” in a choice that wouldn’t then cause issues down the line.


That may be true, but does not solve this problem. I do not have any local files. A number of my playlists are exactly the same in Qobuz end Tidal. The “improver” does the job for Qobuz, but not for Tidal. After pushing the save-button, it looks like it saves the improved numbers, but after a few seconds it comes back with exectly the same improvements.

That snipped of info, is quite pertinent, it would have prudent to have shared it in post #1 as it rules out all of the local via streamed improvements that this new feature offers including the feature that @Rugby described. We can not more on from that.

I suggested you provided some screenshot’s and Roon support have also asked for some specific examples, they need this information in order to investigate. The reason for the request is that this issue is most likely very specific to the content in your library and that’s why having examples will help to track down the root cause.

Up to you if you do or don’t but it would help to get to root cause sooner, at present Roon are waiting on this information from you to aid their investigation.

Here are the screenshots.
One at startingpoint, one after the improvement end one few seconds after saving the inprovements.

The same playlist at Qobuz did the job perfectly. Tidal doesnt.

I am curious about Roon’s analysis of these screenshots! And I am also curious if someone can explain why performing the same actions on the same playlist makes the “Improve-button” disappear on the Qobuz playlist screen and endlessly comming back with the same improve suggestions on the same Tidal playlist. Who…?

Thanks for the update and screenshots @Hans_Toutenhoofd! We have a ticket in with development to discuss further this week. I should have more information to share after we meet!

I appreciate your continued patience in the meantime. :+1:

Great! I am very curious what this could be. As mentioned this is a great feature. For all mij Qobuz playlists it worked very well. Would be great if this also works for the Tidal playlists. Awaiting your findings and hopefully a solution.

Hey @Hans_Toutenhoofd,

For the best results in reproducing the issue in-house, our development team would like a copy of your current Roon database. If you could, please create a fresh backup (or if you have a recently saved copy)

  1. Zip up your RoonBackups folder (right-click it and select “Compress…”):
  2. Submit the .zip file to us through our Database portal

Thank you!

Before sending you a backup (I hesitate because of privacy reasons) please explain me why nothing was done with the posts in “Plyalist Improver: Feedback Threads” that show exactly the same problem I am having.

Hi @Hans_Toutenhoofd,

It’s only your Roon Server database, nothing else. It’s also only used for testing and reproduction purposes internally with our QA team. It is deleted after reproduction or if we’re unable to reproduce the issue.

I’m afraid I don’t understand what you’re looking for with this question. We’re still in the process of investigating and are now looking to reproduce the issue in-house for additional information.

If you are uncomfortable with uploading a copy of your affected database, that’s no problem, we’re ideally collecting a few for thoroughness. That said, please have proper expectations in regards to our timeline to a solution.

Thank you for your patience :pray:

Now I am confused! I just pointed to an earlier post on July 19th from @Snook with exactly the same issue. But no one asked to send in his database at that time. I got the impression you think its only an issue at my side. Which apparently its not. But I will wait and see whats happening.

Hi @Hans_Toutenhoofd,

The issue is likely not tied to your specific local setup. I don’t have any additional information to share at this time. Thanks for your continued patience :+1:

Before this topic closes, maybe an update on progress to solve this issue?

Unfortunately we are still investigating the issue internally. I will adjust the topic timer for this thread so it will not close right away. Thank you for your continued patience.