May 10, 2019, 2:51pm
Hi @Max_Mackenzie ,
I have moved your post over to the Roon Tinkering section because using a VPN in Roon is not supported at this time. For Roon and device/core discovery to work properly, all devices have to be on the same flat local network + subnet, and it appears that this is not the case here.
A few users have gotten Roon to work with a VPN in the following threads, but I just want to be clear here: if you are running this kind of setup, you are on your own with regards to the configuration, you can ask other users for advice but it is not officially supported .
I’m new to Roon - really like it so far. I saw some discussions on here about using Roon remotely through VPN’s, thought I should report that using Zerotier VPN could be a way forward with this. I can remotely control my zones over 4G fine using Zerotier - just not playback.
The Roon app seems to detect whether WiFi is being used on the iPhone and if not removes the iPhone as a player/zone and only allows zone control. I realise there might be some streaming difficulties with bandwidth but…
I listen to Roon on my iphone X over VPN a lot using iPeng while on the go. Got excited about 1.4 iOS native playback
One problem - Roon remote doesn’t show iPhone endpoint when connected to the core over VPN. It shows my squeezbox devices and iPeng no problem under networked. Just not the iPhone itself as the endpoint. But it does show it over wifi connection though :+1:This is so strange.
Any idea why iPhone zone is not enabled if I’m connected over VPN? As at the mom…
I know Roon via VPN is not “officially” supported, but I also know that numerous members of this forum have gotten it to work. All of the threads on the topic seem to address specific issues in the setup process, though (rather than a basic “how to”). Would it be possible for any of the tech savvy forums members to post a basic, step by step explanation of how they’ve gotten this to work? My setup has the Roon core on a Win 10 machine and I’m looking to use VPN to connect to an iOs endpoint. (I …
I see mention of L2 support in SoftEther overview.
I’m a new Roon user, and really love the software. I have Roon 1.4 installed on OS X 10.10.5. I would like to access my core while away from home using the iOS app. My Core is on a Mac Mini. It appears from other posts, that others have accomplished this by port forwarding TCP 9100-9200 and UDP 9003 on their router. I’ve enabled this on my Verizon FIOS Quantum router, and tested connecting on my iPhone at home with the wireless turned off so the phone is connected through Verizon’s LTE network. …
– Noris