I am just catching up to this thread. I’m trying to reconcile the 192/24 and multichannel issue as now presented, I.e. that the older NUCs can’t do it despite Intel’s original claims for the opposite. I see in another thread that @eric from Roon Support claims that if you install ROCK on these older NUCs - the ones where the Intel driver is the problem - that you CAN in fact get the required high res and multichannel audio support. Can Roon Support confirm this in this thread to help others? See here: 192/24 over HDMI Not Supported on Intel NUC7 series; Can ROCK Help?
As I posted previously, I bought a NUC6 Celeron even though it wasn’t on Roon’s official ROCK list because many people told me that when using just as a Roon endpoint, these lower spec’d NUCs were just fine vs needing something higher powered to be the CORE.
Thanks for the help.