Is there any interest in a music files backup solution?

Roon doesn’t even play nice with less than perfect home WiFi networks. Do you really expect Roon to be able to play your music from cloud storage?

Not bloody likely…


Yes, definitely interested in this. I see several have mentioned something similar in terms of some kind of partnership deal with one or more cloud backup services suppliers. So the roon value add would be the close integration as with the partnerships with streaming content suppliers.

Bearing in mind that sort of model will require a subscription to a backup supplier, a roon sub of 4-6 euros pm seems about right. I keep an open mind. A lot depends on the ease of use (reliability would be a given of course).

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Well, technically this should in theory work very well. What I’m not so sure about is if a ROCK accepts to stream to a public IP address. The possible alternative is to use a standard Windows or Linux OS, and then add Roon normal way. Still maybe same issue occurs?
I’m not familiar with how a remote server integrates with your local network. A RDT (Remote Desktop) is different from streaming. So I suspect there is a challenge there.

I was thinking starting a tread about this. There must be someone eager to try. Just finding the best services. I guess one would like to test out various horsepower options.

This idea reminds me of Vox
They charge 4.99

As expressed by others here, I have a good backup strategy for all of my documents, music files, pics, etc. Two on-site backups plus an off-site backup that’s updated every few weeks. Old-school so don’t backup anything to the cloud.

As such, would not be interested in a music files backup solution.

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Hi Danny,
Would it not be possible to include a backup and restore in the Roon Nucleus / Nucleus +, that is similar to the one used in the Naim Uniti Core. I found this straightforward to operate, whether doing a backup or restore. The only enhancement would be a scheduled backup, which the Core does not include. It would be good if this backup could be included in all versions of Roon software. However, if not possible, it could be included as a selling feature in the Nucleus.

I would absolutely be interested in this, providing it is a cloud repository. My music library is about 1.2TB in a Nucleus on an SSD. I’d prefer a native interface to Dropbox (like the interface for backing up the Roon database, which I use), but I would pay up to $10/month for a fully integrated Roon solution. Even better, the database could be backed up to the same endpoint.

I should say I would want a backup that’s a bit-perfect duplicate of my library–no compression, de-duplication, etc.–and stored where I could access it and download it without any special software. A web browser interface would be fine for that purpose. And using Dropbox (or Google or a similar provider) should simplify the development for Roon.

A post was split to a new topic: Roon needs to invest more money on their customer support services

Hi. I have long thought that this was a major omission in that the money invested in the media file makes the cost of the Roon program, Roon Nucleus plus NUC and internal storage almost pale into insignificance. A terabit of music data could be worth a substantial amount of money, and many people have many terabits in storage . I know that remote NAS storage rather covers itself but the Nucleus has a back up system for the operational side of things but not the media where the really important data often lies and in some cases irreplaceable music. I fully admit to being IT deficient shall we say, but at 82 years old I kinda missed the boat, so some sort of back up procedure would be most helpful. I have asked a number of dealer friends but they do not really have a simple answer and are talking about writing lines of code to code which is way beyond my pay grade or knowledge . All the best.

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I have 400 GB or so right now from ripped CDs (but with hires in the future have a 4TB SSD just in case) and I’d be in for an Rock-integrated solution that just works and where I can be sure not to run into Dropbox restore issues as have been mentioned. Same fees as others, whatever is in the ballpark, ~$10 a month on top of my lifetime, I wouldn’t be too picky if it just works

While not entirely free of code, I proposed a local backup solution in another thread. It may be manageable with a little patience.

This seems to be an active topic. What I do here is to keep media on a home-brew TrueNAS 12 system. The storage pool replicates to a second non-redundant pool in the server. Eventually, I’ll build a new server and use this one for backup.

We’re MacOS so Music keeps the library with media on the share. Using new CIFS for Time Machine. Works much better than AFP.

Our system is Raid Z2. When specifying server, I heard too many stories about a second disk failing while the first replacement was being initialized and filled. The pro storage admins keep a couple of spare disks on the shelf at all times. You can home-brew as I did or buy a turnkey system from iX Systems (Dune, anyone?).

Believe TrueNAS hardware guidelines. Use ECC memory. Use NAS rated disks like WD Red Pro. Do boot from M.2 SSD. Don’t use USB nubs for boot media. Dominion Power keeps glitching them.

TrueNAS box has several jobs. First is Time Machine target volume. Second is photo, video, and audio shoebox. Third is Roon core host.

I had around 200 ripped CDs in my cloud account (Google Play Music). After they shut down they were supposed to move to Youtube music what they never really did. I tried to download the albums but that was very painful. and ended up in me losing most of my music. Now I have a 2 TB storage in my sonic transporter and save all music files also to an external hard drive. Based on my bad experiences I don’t trust anybody anymore with my valuable music catalogue.

There was plenty of time to download all GPM media and I did through Google takeout, it might be too late now, but it is worth a try as it was up for a long time

Currently I have my music on my 2 PC’s, 2 NAS devices, my Roon core and Google and Microsoft. Nothing at all wrong with being paranoid.

I would put it in another place as well if Roon offered it for music and metadata :roll_eyes::see_no_evil:

I used Google takeout but after downloading, the organization of the files was messed up. Music files were missing, album structure wasn’t kept and I had a lot of folders that didn’t contain the music files but only meta data. Completely unusable.

Understand now Marco (I wasn’t having a go though I see that it could look that way)

Everything you bought or uploaded should be there. The only stuff that should be missing is the album’s you added to your library. Though I understand it sometimes can get confused.

Have you tried using something like mp3tag to sort it out?
It can organise albums into folder’s and rename all the tracks to fit your structure. Worth checking it out if you haven’t tried it already.

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No interest whatsoever, anything that takes resources away from fixing the current problems and optimiizing the software functionaliity is a waste. So mamy more important things that desparately need work and to take away (or at least slow) their progress with something that already has dozens of (commoditized, cheaper and better) solutions is a ridiculous waste of time, money and effort.


I’d Prefer remote access for local files.

Although I feel I have my music adequately backed up, I would still be interested in a “one stop shop” solution, if roon labs ever gets to offer it (provided the rate/TB is reasonable). It would be nice to know that if I just enable some settings then my music is backed up up along with the database.

Alternatively, if you could set it up so Roon can back up the music files to a number of different providers (such as backblaze, amazon, gdrive etc), that would be just as good. That might even be better, as you could then set it up to backup to multiple providers for redundancy. I would hope that the backup would also include any artwork scans, PDFs or other files contained inside the music folders.

@danny. Hi - I’ve been looking into this recently, I have a years free (well 95% discounted) sub with iDrive that I’m currently trying out.

I recently upgraded my NUCROCK/NAS combo to an Antipodes CX which has 2x2TB SSDs installed.
These shares/drives are mapped to a laptop, and are currently being backed up to iDrive.
I’m super neat with my metadata and filing system (# & A-Z Folder structure) and am backing up in alphabetical order to cloud.
My upload speed is 37Mbps download speed is a zippy 370Mbps, yet its still rather slow, all upload settings are maxed out.

The interface and app is generally good and DL speeds are excellent (as a test, tried restoring the # folder and it only took a min or 2) but a bit ‘techy’ … question is… would you/roon be able to offer anything more intuitive and with a speeder upload than the likes of iDrive?

And have you/roon made any developments in the area/idea yet?

Regards. CK