Roon Album Tags not linking to existing tag in library
I use a number of different Roon Album Tags to mark purchases of digtial files with where I bought them. Been using this system for a long time. Since updating to latest release, any albums I have added added Roon Album Tag recently do not show as having the tag when I focus for the specific tag. If I go to an album I know I added the tag and then I click on the tag in the UI it says 'this tag was not found in your library'. The files have this tag in their metadata, Roon shows its tagged.
I am about 60 albums short overall, when I compare to whats in Bandcamp. I use the same Tag in LMS and this works fine and all my older tags seems to still work, but its not adding any new ones.
I was previously on EA 1409 to 1412 to test out the fixes for remotes before that I stopped using Roon Mid April at build 2.0.032.
It only seems to be affecting albums tagged with Bandcamp in Roon Album Tag that dont get added to my existing Bandcamp Roon Tag. Alltothers work fine by adding the tag to Roon Album Tag wether its a new tag or one that already exisits. I notice that the ones that still show as having Bandcamp tag are ones that dont have Roon Album Tag in their album metadata and are ones doen manullay in Roon. I was only doing it in Roon but more recently started to add it to metadata to be able use it outside of Roon to. Using any oher tag in Roon Album Tag works. So I can only think somethings gone awry in my database in regards to this tag?
I decided to remove the tag completely from all the albums that it was added manually in Roon and added a new tag to keep them together. Then removed the Bandcamp tag from Roon, restarted core. Still no joy it wont create a tag called Bandcamp from the Roon Album Tag with this name, even though it shows on the album as being tagged.
Done a fulll delete and restore exactly the same. Very puzzled.
Thanks for the report! QA has requested a copy of the affected database for further inspection and in house reproduction. If you could please upload a copy to our Database portal that would be most helpful.
Hi @benjamin all uploaded I also included a txt file with a list of all albums in the DB that have a ROONALBUMTAG named Bandcamp. None show up in Tags but can see it has a tag in the UI. I had removed all the manually added ones and have ensured all my files use ROONALBUMTAG but no dice. If I change the tag to anything other than this it works.
If I add tag manually called Bandcamp this works, but then on these files I get it showing two Bandcamp tags and only the manually added one works.
Thanks. Not sure if its related but had other issues with albums being split up that where not before after I restored my database as a test. Roon refused to identify them even though all files in same folder and all metadata is correct and accurate.
Hi @benjamin any news ? I have noticed now that my rooncore has stopped backing up my database since the last time I restored it to see if it fixed this problem. It just errors out. Any help appreciated I don’t want to lose my 7 years of history and edits it it feels this may have been a symptom of a failing db?
@benjamin should I raise a new ticket for this or can it be dealt with from this one?
Excerpt from log when running backup. I have tried changing directory of the back up no change, this is to my NAS which is mounted at /mnt/dietpi_userdata/backups, and to local disk
6/12 14:23:35 Trace: [leveldb] closing /mnt/dietpi_userdata/roonserver/RoonServer/Database/Core/11457dfd50c44002886297908c412a59/transport/zone_16018f37d634d430ba3367bbf4ba6eb1e8c1.db temporarily
06/12 14:23:35 Trace: [leveldb] closing /mnt/dietpi_userdata/roonserver/RoonServer/Database/Core/11457dfd50c44002886297908c412a59/transport/zone_16013c8b40eaecc9f3b31256c9f86a1097b7.db temporarily
06/12 14:23:35 Trace: [leveldb] closing /mnt/dietpi_userdata/roonserver/RoonServer/Database/Core/11457dfd50c44002886297908c412a59/transport/zone_160166a2a69a9353114b8cf91d19ac63499c.db temporarily
06/12 14:23:35 Trace: [leveldb] closing /mnt/dietpi_userdata/roonserver/RoonServer/Database/Core/11457dfd50c44002886297908c412a59/transport/zone_1601defc98ff1a009f202bb60529ff98fcde.db temporarily
06/12 14:23:35 Trace: [leveldb] closing /mnt/dietpi_userdata/roonserver/RoonServer/Database/Core/11457dfd50c44002886297908c412a59/transport/zone_16010f4e30c71f5dba29252e94c2dae06661.db temporarily
06/12 14:23:35 Trace: [broker/backups] [aa846d93-0e7f-43c7-96c3-2a5d7e426b2b] paused transport thread
06/12 14:23:35 Trace: [leveldb] closing /mnt/dietpi_userdata/roonserver/RoonServer/Database/Core/11457dfd50c44002886297908c412a59/broker_4.db temporarily
06/12 14:23:35 Info: [broker/database/vacuum] ==================================================================================================
06/12 14:23:35 Info: [broker/database/vacuum] ===[ Validating Database ]========================================================================
06/12 14:23:35 Info: [broker/database/vacuum] ==================================================================================================
06/12 14:23:35 Info: [broker/database/vacuum] Validating /mnt/dietpi_userdata/roonserver/RoonServer/Database/Core/11457dfd50c44002886297908c412a59/broker_4.db
06/12 14:23:35 Info: [broker/database/vacuum] processed 91 playlist entries
06/12 14:23:35 Info: [broker/database/vacuum] processed 183308 profile entries (skipped 0 entries)
06/12 14:23:35 Info: [broker/database/vacuum] processed 3107 radio entries
06/12 14:23:39 Trace: [roonapi] [apiclient] CONTINUE Changed {"message":"1 HEOS Players on Plex linux x64 at for 15 hours 17 minutes 3 seconds \n","is_error":false}
06/12 14:23:43 Info: [stats] 9066mb Virtual, 1853mb Physical, 922mb Managed, 366 Handles, 84 Threads
06/12 14:23:49 Trace: [roonapi] [apiclient] CONTINUE Changed {"message":"1 HEOS Players on Plex linux x64 at for 15 hours 17 minutes 13 seconds \n","is_error":false}
06/12 14:23:58 Info: [stats] 9451mb Virtual, 2263mb Physical, 925mb Managed, 362 Handles, 77 Threads
06/12 14:23:59 Info: [broker/database/vacuum] processed 5411861 music entries
06/12 14:23:59 Trace: [roonapi] [apiclient] CONTINUE Changed {"message":"1 HEOS Players on Plex linux x64 at for 15 hours 17 minutes 23 seconds \n","is_error":false}
06/12 14:24:06 Trace: [roonapi] [apiclient] CONTINUE Changed {"message":"Deep Harmony already up to date","is_error":false}
06/12 14:24:09 Trace: [roonapi] [apiclient] CONTINUE Changed {"message":"1 HEOS Players on Plex linux x64 at for 15 hours 17 minutes 33 seconds \n","is_error":false}
06/12 14:24:11 Info: [broker/database/vacuum] validated tinysooid db in 11913ms, visited 14027130 entries
06/12 14:24:13 Info: [stats] 10222mb Virtual, 3047mb Physical, 921mb Managed, 367 Handles, 75 Threads
06/12 14:24:13 Info: [broker/database/vacuum] processed 3025940 image entries
06/12 14:24:14 Info: [broker/database/vacuum] finished validation in 38694ms
06/12 14:24:14 Info: [broker/database/vacuum] ==================================================================================================
06/12 14:24:14 Info: [broker/database/vacuum] ==================================================================================================
06/12 14:24:14 Info: [broker/database/vacuum] ==================================================================================================
06/12 14:24:14 Trace: [leveldb] closing /mnt/dietpi_userdata/roonserver/RoonServer/Database/Core/11457dfd50c44002886297908c412a59/clientdata.db temporarily
06/12 14:24:14 Trace: [broker/backups] [aa846d93-0e7f-43c7-96c3-2a5d7e426b2b] paused misc thread
06/12 14:24:19 Trace: [roonapi] [apiclient] CONTINUE Changed {"message":"1 HEOS Players on Plex linux x64 at for 15 hours 17 minutes 43 seconds \n","is_error":false}
06/12 14:24:26 Trace: [leveldb] re-opening /mnt/dietpi_userdata/roonserver/RoonServer/Database/Core/11457dfd50c44002886297908c412a59/broker_4.db
06/12 14:24:26 Trace: [leveldb] re-opening /mnt/dietpi_userdata/roonserver/RoonServer/Database/Core/11457dfd50c44002886297908c412a59/clientdata.db
06/12 14:24:26 Trace: [leveldb] re-opening /mnt/dietpi_userdata/roonserver/RoonServer/Database/Core/11457dfd50c44002886297908c412a59/transport/zone_16018f37d634d430ba3367bbf4ba6eb1e8c1.db
06/12 14:24:26 Trace: [leveldb] re-opening /mnt/dietpi_userdata/roonserver/RoonServer/Database/Core/11457dfd50c44002886297908c412a59/transport/zone_16013c8b40eaecc9f3b31256c9f86a1097b7.db
06/12 14:24:26 Trace: [leveldb] re-opening /mnt/dietpi_userdata/roonserver/RoonServer/Database/Core/11457dfd50c44002886297908c412a59/transport/zone_160166a2a69a9353114b8cf91d19ac63499c.db
06/12 14:24:26 Trace: [leveldb] re-opening /mnt/dietpi_userdata/roonserver/RoonServer/Database/Core/11457dfd50c44002886297908c412a59/transport/zone_1601defc98ff1a009f202bb60529ff98fcde.db
06/12 14:24:26 Trace: [leveldb] re-opening /mnt/dietpi_userdata/roonserver/RoonServer/Database/Core/11457dfd50c44002886297908c412a59/transport/zone_16010f4e30c71f5dba29252e94c2dae06661.db
06/12 14:24:26 Trace: [squeezebox/client] [] GOT STAT event_code=STMf crlf_count=0 mas_initialized= mas_mode=0 buffer_size=2097152 fullness=0 bytes_received=0 wireless_signal=65535 jiffies=343840398 output_buffer_size=3528000 output_buffer_fullness=0 elapsed_seconds=0 voltage=0 elapsed_milliseconds=0 server_timestamp=0 error_code=0
06/12 14:24:26 Trace: [squeezebox/client] [] GOT STAT event_code=STMf crlf_count=0 mas_initialized= mas_mode=0 buffer_size=2097152 fullness=0 bytes_received=0 wireless_signal=65535 jiffies=264823568 output_buffer_size=3528000 output_buffer_fullness=0 elapsed_seconds=0 voltage=0 elapsed_milliseconds=0 server_timestamp=0 error_code=0
06/12 14:24:26 Info: [loadstatus] IsBackupInProgress True => False
06/12 14:24:26 Trace: [mobile] [remoteconnectivity] Port Verification started due to: load status changed, port verification not in progress, starting a new attempt
06/12 14:24:26 Trace: [mobile] [remoteconnectivity] Port Verification started due to: load status changed, not testing port opening because automatic config is disabled
06/12 14:24:26 Info: [transport] destroyed zone Kitchen was playing? False
06/12 14:24:26 Trace: [zone Kitchen] Suspend
06/12 14:24:26 Warn: [broker/backups] unexpected error doing backup on FileBrowser.Entry: / : /mnt/dietpi_userdata/downloads/test: Sooloos.SynchronizationContextThreadException: In Broker:Media
---> Sooloos.SynchronizationContextThreadException: In Broker:Transport
---> Sooloos.SynchronizationContextThreadException: In Broker:Misc
---> System.OutOfMemoryException: Array dimensions exceeded supported range.
at System.IO.MemoryStream.set_Capacity(Int32 value)
at System.IO.MemoryStream.EnsureCapacity(Int32 value)
at System.IO.MemoryStream.WriteByte(Byte value)
at Sooloos.Broker.BackupCompute.<>c__DisplayClass12_1.<ComputeBackupFiles>b__1(String file, Boolean needs_copy)
at Sooloos.Broker.BackupCompute.<>c__DisplayClass12_1.<ComputeBackupFiles>b__4()
at Sooloos.SynchronizationContextThread.<>c__DisplayClass48_0.<SendSafe>b__0()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Sooloos.SynchronizationContextThread.SendSafe(Action handler)
at Sooloos.Broker.BackupCompute.<>c__DisplayClass12_1.<ComputeBackupFiles>b__3()
at Sooloos.SynchronizationContextThread.<>c__DisplayClass48_0.<SendSafe>b__0()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Sooloos.SynchronizationContextThread.SendSafe(Action handler)
at Sooloos.Broker.BackupCompute.<>c__DisplayClass12_1.<ComputeBackupFiles>b__2()
at Sooloos.SynchronizationContextThread.<>c__DisplayClass48_0.<SendSafe>b__0()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Sooloos.SynchronizationContextThread.SendSafe(Action handler)
at Sooloos.Broker.BackupCompute.<>c__DisplayClass12_0.<ComputeBackupFiles>b__0()
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop(Thread threadPoolThread, ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot, Thread threadPoolThread)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
at Sooloos.Broker.BackupCompute.ComputeBackupFiles(List`1 filesinmanifest, List`1 filestoupload, HashSet`1 latesthashes, Canceler canceler)
at Sooloos.Broker.BackupDestination`1.StartBackup(Entry location, Nullable`1 numberofbackupskept, Boolean auto)```
Can you confirm you’re not out of space on the drive you’re backing up to? I see you mentioned changing the directory, is the log snippet you’ve shared from that attempt?
Same issue happens local disk to my server and to my nas. My nas isn’t full it has 2tb available. I’ll check the log when doing it locally.
Same error in logs even if its local storage,
06/13 08:17:44 Warn: [broker/backups] unexpected error doing backup on FileBrowser.Entry: / : /mnt/dietpi_userdata/downloads/RoonBackups: Sooloos.SynchronizationContextThreadException: In Broker:Media
---> Sooloos.SynchronizationContextThreadException: In Broker:Transport
---> Sooloos.SynchronizationContextThreadException: In Broker:Misc
---> System.OutOfMemoryException: Array dimensions exceeded supported range.
at System.IO.MemoryStream.set_Capacity(Int32 value)
at System.IO.MemoryStream.EnsureCapacity(Int32 value)
at System.IO.MemoryStream.WriteByte(Byte value)
at Sooloos.Broker.BackupCompute.<>c__DisplayClass12_1.<ComputeBackupFiles>b__1(String file, Boolean needs_copy)
at Sooloos.Broker.BackupCompute.<>c__DisplayClass12_1.<ComputeBackupFiles>b__4()
at Sooloos.SynchronizationContextThread.<>c__DisplayClass48_0.<SendSafe>b__0()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Sooloos.SynchronizationContextThread.SendSafe(Action handler)
at Sooloos.Broker.BackupCompute.<>c__DisplayClass12_1.<ComputeBackupFiles>b__3()
at Sooloos.SynchronizationContextThread.<>c__DisplayClass48_0.<SendSafe>b__0()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Sooloos.SynchronizationContextThread.SendSafe(Action handler)
at Sooloos.Broker.BackupCompute.<>c__DisplayClass12_1.<ComputeBackupFiles>b__2()
at Sooloos.SynchronizationContextThread.<>c__DisplayClass48_0.<SendSafe>b__0()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Sooloos.SynchronizationContextThread.SendSafe(Action handler)
at Sooloos.Broker.BackupCompute.<>c__DisplayClass12_0.<ComputeBackupFiles>b__0()
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop(Thread threadPoolThread, ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot, Thread threadPoolThread)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
at Sooloos.Broker.BackupCompute.ComputeBackupFiles(List`1 filesinmanifest, List`1 filestoupload, HashSet`1 latesthashes, Canceler canceler)
at Sooloos.Broker.BackupDestination`1.StartBackup(Entry location, Nullable`1 numberofbackupskept, Boolean auto)
06/13 08:17:44 Debug: [broker/backups] on done, auto: False
Attached a 1TB USB drive newly formatted to EXT4, it has all correct permissions Roon can read and create folders on it same issue when it comes to backing up DB.
@benjamin looking up this error its not storage space being the issue, I found a previous ticket with a user with same issue, I followed advice on there but still the issue prevails. Running clean up there was nothing showing to remove anything but I did it all the same.
Restored last back up that succeeded it loaded in fine, lost 10 days history, after its relinked and added all the new music I had added, still wont backup the database when I tried to back it up. Same error message.
I would appreciate the team looking into why my DB wont back up as it leaves me in difficult spot. It must be tied with the tags getting messed up.
Hi @benjamin an update for you. I managed to get the db back to a state it will back up again. I ended up restoring the last backup to a completely new install on windows then edited my storage to connected over SMB to the same drive with my data on it. Let it all sync up. I noticed a few albums were again not identifying properly. Same ones it’s done a few times now and noticed it had got some tracks mixed up with a different release. So I removed those albums/tracks from my library, did a full library clean up and added them back in and they identified this time correctly. I then tried a back up and it worked. So I decided to do a clean install on my main server and restored this new backup. It restored and all still identified and linked up correctly. Attempted another backup it worked. It backed up overnight as well. So this part of the puzzle I have solved. Not sure why it got in this state perhaps related to my initial issue. I have not tested using this tag again. I have since removed the tag from my albums, and from ones just added in Roon.
Still would like to understand what the reason was is for the Bandcamp tag to stop working, as all others seem fine as do all the albums previously using it now with a different tag. One thing to note is the albums that kept not identifying correctly each restore even though they had been fixed in previous backups where Bandcamp albums.
Tried changing it a few times including capitals and camel humped didn’t change it. I ended up with just BC now which is working and removed Bandcamp from Roon and my metadata only includes BC which adds it to the existing tag. No idea what caused Bandcamp to get broken though only support can hopefully tell me.