Issue with Tidal Connection in Roon on Evo Aeon Music Server (ref#845967)

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What’s happening?

I'm having trouble connecting to Roon

What type of connection issue?

I can't connect to Nucleus

Does Nucleus show up in macOS Finder / Windows Explorer?


I am connected to Tidal but it is not connecting to Roon. My Evo Aeon music server is configured for Roon. The server says Tidal and Roon are connected, but when I open it it searches for Tidal and doesn’t find it. Seems like it’s contradicting itself

So which one is it? If the Evo:

There is a known issue currently with certain 3rd-party servers and very old Linux distributions:

If you can’t update the OS or the mentioned components, you might be able to fix this with:

Take a look the help article:

I am using an iPad and an evo aeon server. The server is only a year old and uses a Linus operating system. I was unable to find the “RoonServer” on my iPad so have been unable to use this fix. The iPad does not have a finder but it does have files. There is nothing in the files or folders. Any suggestions?

The suggestion is to get a firmware update for your Evo to fix the problem. If you want to apply the solution from the article linked above, then do so (needs you to have access to the Roon files on your server though).

The iPad is a remote, so it has no Roon server. There is exactly one Roon server in a Roon installation, and in your case this is the Evo:

In this case my previous post applies:

A post was merged into an existing topic: I’m having issues accessing Roon services or Tidal / Qobuz / KKBOX after the latest update (build 1382) [See Staff Post - Manual Fix Avaliable]

Hey @Jim_Curell,

I’ve merged your thread into the larger tracking thread on your issue - which also contains a manual fix for the time being. If you’re not able to get things up and running after going through the steps on the tracking thread, please let me know (you can tag me directly at @benjamin.)
