It was this bit, a little hidden I realise. This explains the resample to 16 bit.
You are correct that Roon does not currently play to anything but the Android mixer at the moment. I cannot make any promises that this will change, or give a timeframe for when it will be addressed, but we do plan on make improvements to this in the future.
Genuine question⌠I know support said the LG V30 problems are because of Android framework changing from older models but how come one man bands like UAPP and Neutron player can implement this so quickly and Roon canât?
Changing a standalone app that does one thing is a different prospect to changing something that links into a whole framework of interconnected pieces.
Also, in the scheme of things, there may not be that many users. When you are doing anything in software development you start with the big bang for buck improvements and work your way downâŚ
Yes, we are doing a complete overhaul of Android audio playback right now, following the Android infrastructure changes we made in our last release
We also have one of these LG phones in house, so we should be able to test the changes against these phones once that work is complete.
I donât have an exact timeline for when these changes will be finished, and tested, and released, but we are actively working to improve playback on Android now, so expect some real improvements in this area in the future.
But this issue does not only occur on LG phones. I have it on a Oneplus X and a Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e, with and without using a Hidizs Sonata HD dac/amp connected in the USB-C.
Thatâs why they are âwe are doing a complete overhaul of Android audio playback right nowâ but this thread started with the LG, hence the specific reference.
Just to emphasize to Roon that this issue is widespread, I am having the exact same problem on my V30. Not only with the clicks and pops, but a general lower resolution sounding and less detailed playback. The same streaming tracks on the Tidal app play beautifully with no issues. Idagio and Google Play Music are also perfect.
The LG quad-DAC series are gorgeous sounding network streamers and now that the V30-35 are available for $300 or less and can be used as Roon endpoints, you have a DAC-Streamer-Controller solution that is unbeatable in functionality and value, and compares well in sound quality with high-end devices.
Iâve just got a V20 which roon doesnât seem to see properly as an end point.
Fixing this issue will save me having to get an endpoint for my bedroom.
Thanks Robert for neatly summing up the cracking value proposition of the LG phones as streaming dacs. And the full MQA unfold takes it up even further. No doubt itâs a snarky problem for Roon to sort through in its ecosystem but hey, this could net them a lot of new Roon subscribers seeing the prices of the LGs even falling below $200 now.
Yep, I picked up my V20 for ÂŁ80 refurbished off of Aliexpress. The only two issues I have are Roon not playing properly and the phone often defaulting to thinking Iâm in Canada.
Same issue here with an LG V30 purchased solely for use as a Roon endpoint. The sound in between the bumps and dips is excellent, so Iâd really like to see this get resolved. Like an updated (and lower priced) Squeezebox Touch. Canât beat that for value.
Letâs grow that user base, Roon! Chop chop! (Can you even say that now?)
Darko touches on this issue in a more recent video re the V40 here:
His V30 was an intâl version - not updatable and stuck on Android version 7.1.2. Also, his V40 (version 9) does not present the issue.
I checked my version (7), updated to v8, restarted, and took to a different Roon rig to try out. No noise there. Will try tonight on the original system. Iâm betting the update has taken of it.
Hey Roon,
Itâs a been a whole year now since I reported this problem.
My LG G7 (Android 9) AND my brand new Ibasso DX160 (Android 8.1) are useless with RoonâŚ
An update about the fix would be greatly appreciated before my annual subscription renewal.