Do you still have this problem??, at my system it also occurs.
When I ad an extra album to the library it starts counting down instead of up.
Very annoying !!
Do you still have this problem??, at my system it also occurs.
When I ad an extra album to the library it starts counting down instead of up.
Very annoying !!
Have you updated to 1.3 ?
Yes I did. When I looked further in the FAQ I saw that the problem lies within MAC OS X.
Large databases works better on a windows environment.
In the future the problem will be solved but not right now.
I haven’t had it crop back up since updating to 1.3, but it had continued, though less frequently, before the shift. Sorry to hear it’s still plagued you and knocking on wood things stay stable on my end.
My problem is not solved with an upgrade to version 1.3.
I have changed NAS systems. The problem occurred less frequent but was not gone. I cannot reproduce it but most often it occurs when my MacBook loses its network connection (sleep mode) or Roon is open and the SMB share is not connected.
I asked in an other tread to shed some light on the problem.
If you have a local database with an external file location I do not see a reason for Roon to drop the complete content of the database. I prefer a mechanism that the database of a complete indexed file location is better protected and only user intervention can provoke a rebuild of the database.
If you can confirm your storage configuration (as described here), we can take a look at this further.[quote=“Richard_Reitsma, post:5, topic:21259”]
If you have a local database with an external file location I do not see a reason for Roon to drop the complete content of the database. I prefer a mechanism that the database of a complete indexed file location is better protected and only user intervention can provoke a rebuild of the database.
While we don’t have plans right now to abandon our file watching or make it optional, feel free to open a request in #roon:feature-requests and we will absolutely keep an eye on it.
I should also mention that we do have some plans to make our file watching even more robust in the future.
I changed my computer. In stead of an iMac I use now a Windows workstation as a roonserver. The mac I use only as a remote rooncontroller. Problem solved.
The Windows pc is an i7 6700 processor with 16gb mem and a 512 gb ssd.
This really works 10x better than on an iMac.
@ncpl @Arno_Veldhoven I cursed myself, the problem is back with a vengeance with build 203 to the point of extreme frustration…just updated to 204 and i hope this stabilizes the system. The last several times i have opened Roon my library has been in varying stage of gone. If 204 doesn’t help, then Roon is back to being nothing more than a fancy interface for Tidal.
Hi @John_Hunt
Sorry to hear that. I don’t see (in this thread at least) a summary of what you have w.r.t set up.
Suggest you start a new thread with your details (or continue an old one if you have already) and @support can get to work on what it is about your equipment, mapping etc that is causing this. It doesn’t help I know but these cases are quite extreme and many have been resolved. So, the guys just need to work out what is causing this with yours.
Hey @John_Hunt – would you mind doing as Nick asked and providing us all the details in a new thread?
We’ve seen a significant drop in the number of reports we’ve seen, but something about your setup is different – once we figure out what that is, I’m sure we can get everything stable for you.