Hi, there, wanted to say Hello. Joined as a lifer today. Made up for money invested already by salvaging my Logitech squeeze Boom that was gathering dust – Set it up without a problem with the Roon. So figuring that cost a hundred or so and was useless, and now put to use = value added !!
Know, per chance does anyone know where I can get a remote control for the logitech Boon?
Hi, I am a new lifetime subscriber from Germany. Even though there are currently a few issues, I love the way roon lets me browse my music. Hope the get my Aries RonnReady soon.
Currently I have substantial problems with Roon (no meta data), but I trust that these problems will be overcome soon, so that I got my lifetime subscription today. I am from Germany as well. I will use Roon with my current squeezebox devices and with Meridian Explorer2 USB DAC (MQA enabled, very cheap) attached to MacBookPro.
So I crossed the Rubicon and shelled out for a Lifetime Membership. I just hope that both I and Roon Labs survive long enough to give me a decent return on the investment
Geoff, thats a really good blog post. I followed a similar route with PLex for movies but eventually decided it was just too much to deal with and I find myself just as likely to watch a Movie at my PC nowadays… I am far more interested in listening to music (probably 100 hrs to 1 compared to movies) so Roon was perfect for me and I pretty quickly went the lifetime route. All the developments are pretty exciting - it’s already a great experience.
The return on investment aspect makes me more careful crossing roads Geoff !
There was discussion by Danny about folding or sale in this thread. Ultimately I accept that the devs will do what they can, but there is a risk.
I’ve still got a pair of VTL Tiny Triode amps from the 80s that carried a “lifetime guarantee”. I understand that the new VTL company under Luke Manley doesn’t support it. Doesn’t alter the fact that they are great amps that work fine and have given me a heap of enjoyment.
Lifer from the outset here, could see where these guys wanted to go and was convinced of their abilibty to get there.
OK it’s a never ending road but you get my drift.
Happy to commit a life membership as a small way to support the cause.
Biggest disappointment is never enough time to listen to music these days, and would love to be able to stream this to the car. Spotify in the Tesla is pretty good for variety if not SQ, but Roon it isn’t.
after two trial periods, the interface and features convinced me to opt for lifetime membership. Happy Lifer since last weekend!
Great work guys and I am looking forward to everything you have planned for us. Though I must admit I am waiting for an Android Mobile Phone App foremost
Lifer here…that almost didn’t get to enjoy it when I initially told the wife that I had bought the subscription. Probably shouldn’t have walked into the kitchen when she had a large knife in her hand
After calming her down, and then showing her the system on the touchscreens throughout the house, she immediately asked “Why have we waited so long to have this?”
Lifer here too, have been for about a month now. Also using HQP and loving the combination of remote control-ability and sound quality with HQP. I am a life time PlexPass user too and it was a hard decision given Plex offers the same metadata and lyrics plus has Vevo integration for music videos and syncing with mobile clients. It was truly the integration with HQP and the promise of more Plex like features in the future that got me on board.
They might make it they might not, but I like the responsiveness of the roon crew, the focus on quality, and the variety of endpoints supported. I view my lifetime subscription as equivalent to a “kickstarter” contribution for a startup that I hope does good things. My current audio ecosystem is all Squeezebox/LMS based. I’m in east coast U.S.
Great outlook, and is the reason I signed up from the beginning. Roon deserve to do well and whether they succeed or not, I have no issue having spent my money on them.
Just upgraded from annual to lifetime subscription. Roon is an absolutely wonderful interface. I am also using HQPlayer with my newly acquired Sonore microRendu.