Hi @ucchi,
We’ve taken a look at account diagnostics from your RoonServer machine and it appears to show this Linn Zone populating for both SongCast and RoonReady protocols.
Am I correct that this issue is resolved per your last post?
Hi @ucchi,
We’ve taken a look at account diagnostics from your RoonServer machine and it appears to show this Linn Zone populating for both SongCast and RoonReady protocols.
Am I correct that this issue is resolved per your last post?
Assigning a fixed IP addresses to the Linn Linn Selekt DSM and Roon Server did not solve the problem Still have to reboot.
Never had this problem before
Having done so along with rebooting your server, remotes, and the Linn if that did not resolve the issue another suggestion would be to clear the cache. There may be a relationship to @Michael_Curtis earlier comments perhaps clearing your cache would resolve this.
If you recently performed an update you may want to verify that the desired switch is active as well.
Hi, @connor
Thanks for the follow-up.
I want to use only RoonReady protocols. How can I do that?
Hey @ucchi,
Under Roon Settings>Audio you should see the option under the ‘Roon Ready’ streaming protocol. You’ll want to enable this connection to setup Roon Ready.
Hi, @benjamin
Roon Ready was enabled before the problem occurred and is still enabled.
The LINN device also has the Roon protocol set to Roon Ready.
I am confused because SongCast should not be enabled.
Thanks for the confirmation @ucchi, are you able to reproduce the issue and share a more specific date and time, as well as name of track playing when the disconnect occurs?
We’ll be able to take another look at a fresh diagnostic report from your Roon Server with this information.
Hi, @benjamin
I restarted Roon Server at 11:44 UTC 12/14 and Roon no longer recognizes the LINN Device as a Roon Ready Endpoint. (Nucleus OS has not been restarted).
The IP addresses of both Nuleus and LINN Device have not changed before and after the Roon Server reboot.
Uploaded logs to Logs Upload Server as “1214_XVVDGG.zip”.
Reboot the Linn Device and it will be recognized as a Roon Ready Endpoint.
The Linn Device IP address remains unchanged.
@ucchi - Even I don’t have a Nucleus, I got the same problem.
I’m fortunately not experiencing this issue and I didn’t experience the issue @Michael_Curtis describes with the previous Davaar release. I just wanted to mention that “simonc” works at Linn and has represented them on this forum in the past. I’ll leave it to the original poster to decide if they want to mention him on this thread - it might help but it might also shift the focus from Roon to Linn and I’m not sure that’s helpful.
After restarting the Roon server when upgrading to version 2.0 (build 1490), the LINN device disappeared again.
Hi @ucchi ,
I’m curious. I’m sure you’ve tested this already but does it provision Roon Ready after an extremely long delay or not at all and only upon a reboot.
Also, is Tailscale active on your Nucleus? I’m hoping that your responses might be beneficial to Roon supports investigation.
Thanks for the update @ucchi!
We’ve shared your case with our devices team and hope to have more information to share later this week.
Hi @benjamin
@ucchi has already provided information to the problem.
I poweroff the Ronn Server in the evening and back on again in the morning. The patten is always the same in the morning:
After Linn Selekt DSM reboot:
Just a heads-up to Linn users, but I’ve found that the 4.108.550 firmware update leaves systems in a partially updated state and other flaky update behavior. I have two Klimax, one System 3, and one Kiko, and all of them got stuck somewhere in the update and needed to be power-cycled once or twice to get back online. In addition, the Klimax 360 active speakers on one of the systems were left in a weird state, and I was only able to get that system into a proper updated state by using the remote control to request the update – and even then, the system froze once and had to be power-cycled before finally accepting the update. So, I’d recommend that you check carefully that your system has everything fully updated, as behavior with a partial update may be unpredictable.