Linux Roon Control GUI Please [not on roadmap, you may try to use Wine]

thank you @florib for pointing out this script. I struggled to install Roon with all the correct wine dependencies. Got it working now.

Come on guys - I get that fafing around with various linux UI’s can be a bit of a pain, but just expose an HTML5 UI off of the server as a web page and be done with all of this, for all platforms.


+1 on that WebUI (similar to the one used by Volumio) would make things so much easier for all of us

I was wondering if I was to be relegated to using my Android phone to control my Roon Core, which is running on a Windows Server. I then thought of installing Android x86_64 in vmware. This has worked well for the last week or so. Now I’ve come across this script mentioned here

Wow, I now have a full window to use with Roon! It sure would be nice to have a native Roon Controller for Linux though! Hint , hint.

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Just a quick thought: writing a client using dot net and vulkan is portable across Linux and Windows.

So, just to bring this up again: Linux Control GUI please! I am maintaining a Windows Notebook for roon UI until now, but Windows tires me more with every update. Not doing an easy option for those willing to use Linux is wrong imho. All the fiddling that is needed, the dependencies you have to solve until roon shows up on my Linux screen: That is something that was ok while DIYing around with LMS, Squeeze* and so on. Now I think I am on a commercial path, this really should be a little less painful. So please, dear roon team, free me from Windows. Thank you.


Amen! @spockfish is working on a flatpak for Linux; you might consider a donation to help inspire him.

  2. Install the Android app in Chrome Os,

This thread may be worth checking out…a browser-based Roon Control:

I’ve not tried this, but if the UI will run in a browser, I see no reason why it would not work on Linux.

The issue with webui is it loses any ability to use the proper library functions such as focus. It’s alright for simple control nothing more.

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Thank you for pointing that out. Didn’t know though I use spockfish’s RopieeeXL Inspiration has been sent.

I bought a Gato Audio in part because of Roon support, which was by the way incredibly recommended by the seller. After reading a lot of good reviews I was about to buy a server but fortunately I found that it doesn’t support Linux before, even when it misleads potential customers:

when I see “get it on Linux”, I’m not really thinking just in the server component.

We Linux users are used to be left behind and find alternative ways of making things work (emulators, virtual machines, dual booting, ndiswrapper…). However, when I am asked to pay USD 700 I expect a premium support. This of course is not the case -I won’t use wine for such an expensive piece of software, just to be pointed out that “Linux is unsupported” whenever I find an issue.

You know what they say, “a happy customer tells a friend, an unhappy customer tells the world”? I’ll make sure that statement comes true at least in my case.

I truly hope Roon reconsiders this.



3 posts were split to a new topic: Gato Audio - Roon Ready

Lets all pay a random developer to build something Roon cannot be assed to?

Seriously why aren’t Roon stepping in here and paying the guy or any other dev to do this, it’s an utter joke

100% with you on this, they won’t get a single penny from me and I’m sure any other Linux user until they develop working software.

Do they really think in this space of high tech and audio that their potential user base wouldnt comprise of a lot of linux users?


Often mentioned alternatives to Roon are Audirvana and PLEX. There is no native Linux GUI (whatever that means by all the different display servers / window mangers out there) for either of the two. Also not for iTunes - but you may be able to use it on Linux using Wine.

The alternative have perfectly usable webUIs so I have no idea what point you are trying to make. Roon webUI has a skip button…

Plex does have a native GUI on Linux

On a semi-related note:

Nope. They had once but no more. You may still be able to use PMP with the current server but that may break at any time.

Then what is that: