Listen Later 🕐 Feedback Thread

Excited today to begin rolling out a feature we’ve talked about at Roon for many, many years…

Listen Later :clock1:

Today we are excited to introduce Listen Later, your personal music to-do list.

Think of Listen Later as a vault for the music nuggets you unearth while exploring Roon. You can audition new discoveries with Listen Later before moving them to your Roon library — or use it to reconnect with gems that have been neglected or forgotten in your collection.

You can add albums, tracks, or even artists — making Listen Later a catch-all to-do list for sounds you want to get to know better. Listen Later always prioritizes your most recently added unplayed music, giving you instant access to your must-hear lineup whether you’re at home or listening on the go with ARC.

Listen Later also maintains a history of saved music you’ve played — so you can add it to your library or put it back into your LL queue with just a few clicks.

It helps preserve your collection’s careful curation by providing an ideal way-station for auditioning new discoveries before making them part of your library — and it’s perfect for reconnecting with sounds that have gotten lost in the shuffle.

Check out the video below for more details.

Key Features

  • Add any album, track, or artist to your Listen Later list, from your library or beyond
  • Each profile maintains its own separate list
  • Quick access from Home screens in both Roon and ARC
  • Your list will always show the most recently added content at the top
  • As you play content in your list, it’s automatically moved to the Played section of your list
  • Played content can be removed from your list with a single click, or it can be added to your library or back to Listen Later from the context menu
  • You can fine-tune exactly when content is considered “played” via the Listen Later section on the General tab of Settings

Thank you for your continued support and feedback!


23 posts were split to a new topic: Listen Later: Early Access Feedback

Great feature! I’m excited to use it, but so far it seems to work as expected.

The next thing for me would be to allow tags for non-library items. Listen Later would be even better if we could tag the artists/albums/songs with the reason (recommendation from a friend, from a review, etc.) why they are on the list. I fear my Listen Later backlog will get bigger and bigger and I won’t remember why some items are on the list.


Yep, @michael and I have discussed how natural some kind of “notes” functionality would be as part of Listen Later.

Not something we included for the 1.0 version of this feature, but definitely something we are thinking about for the future.


Good to know! Should I make a feature suggestion on the forum or it’s already on your roadmap?

A Feature Suggestion will help us gauge interest – feel free to open one!

Excellent new feature!!!


Great addition. On my end it works as expected and I am excited to get to know the feature more in the coming days. Also great to see that fixes have been introduced regarding the WiFi cellular switch playback issues. I will report back if any issues regarding this playback problem still remain.


Nit-picking, but why does the Listen-later icon on the album display have a checkmark on it? It seems superfluous and out of keeping with the other icons…


A system wide „notes“ option would be very welcome. :slightly_smiling_face:

Great addition anyway!


About the UI: Roon’s home banner has a design with colors that are much more similar to the ARC interface(in fact there it integrates better because it takes up the same colors and shades).
I wonder if this is a choice or a beginning of Roon’s design update

Great to see this feature added…looking forward to road testing!

Edit: Would be good to have access to focus within the listen later section in due course…


Nice feature, like it.

Was using a Playlist in Roon (most others are created externally and imported as the playing order is fixed, important if built from gig set lists, as there is no ‘Lock Playlist feature, which entered as a feature suggestion) to capture ‘Music to be played’ whether generally or for a particular evening/event/listening session etc., so this has just captured this as a feature.
Better than Tags, which was the other way, as this only works on items already added.

Annotation would be good also.

Also the possibility of adding a queue to Listen Later could be an interesting possibility

*Edit: ok, it is possible to do this by choosing the individual tracks of the queue and then clicking On the three dots next to the play button, but it would be more immediate to do it directly from the three dots next “Queue”

Just rejoined early access because of this feature. Normally on new music Fridays I just add a bunch of albums that sound interesting after listening to part of a track or two. But like that this way I can just throw in listen later to see if really want. Can also toss in new albums by groups I know but don’t have time to check out yet. Can also throw in existing albums I might to listen to later in day or week.

Only just started testing but haven’t run into any issues yet.


A question: does music played from Listen Later still inform algorithmic recommendations (like daily mixes)? I would love some way to try new music without Roon learning from it. Given the intended use of Listen Later–namely, that it gives you a place to store music you want to try–that seems like a good place to enable listening without learning. There is a fair bit of music I try that I don’t end up liking, and currently I jump to YouTube or Spotify to try things I don’t want Roon (or Tidal) to use to make recommendations. I’d love a way to do that directly in Roon, whether through Listen Later or some way to turn on a listening session that is not tracked for learning.


Great feature! Needs translation strings…

Also strings needed for Listen later settings…

Working fine for me so far. ARC was updated a few minutes after I added a few albums on my home system ready for my commute this morning :smile:



I liked it, thanks.

only thing is it seems I cannot remove item manually, I added some albums to listen later when I was checking what that new button was, now I cannot remove those and don’t want to listen to them, am I missing how to remove the items manually?